ICH Webinar Series Session III on July 30

Slated for 30 July 2020 at 20:00 to 21:30 (Korean Standard Time), the third session of the ICH Webinar Series will be held. Co-organized by ICHCAP and the UNESCO Bangkok Office, participants and speakers hope to have a deeper engagement with ideas of building cooperation and networking initiatives among higher education institutions for ICH safeguarding from founded regional networks in Africa, Latin America, Europe, and Asia-Pacific. This session is a continuation of our efforts to have a better understanding of the integration between intangible cultural heritage and higher education, which visibly faces more challenges at the present time as the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated measures directly affecting the operations of educational institutions all over the world such as school closure, instruction through online means, and disruption of research field work and other related activities. Link: https://www.unesco-ichcap.org/ich-webinar-series-session-iii-to-focus-on-regional-networks-for-the-teaching-of-living-heritage-in-higher-education/

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● Event Summary

Title ICH Webinar Series Session III on July 30
Start Date 2020-07-30End Date 2020-07-30

● Map

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