ICHCAP, in collaboration with ICH NGO Forum, is pleased to invite NGOs to participate in the online 2020 ICH NGO Conference: ICH and Resilience in Crisis to be held on 12 and 13 November 2020. Since 2014, ICHCAP has been organizing the conference biennially. The conference gives premium focus on the work of NGOs in the ICH field globally. While conditions of instability caused by COVID-19 pandemic could extraordinarily constrain human interactions, both co-organizers decided to continue cooperative relationships among ICH NGOs in such a critical time by holding an online conference. Therefore, this year, as a timely issue, the conference aims to thoroughly understand the broadness and depth of ICH NGOs roles and challenges, particularly in the field of education. The objectives of the 2020 ICH NGO Conference are to better understand the interrelationship between ICH and education within the lens of sustainable development and to empower ICH NGOs around the world by discovering good practices and sharing useful experiences and information on their activities. Despite this unexpected crisis, many NGOs have continued to safeguard ICH using diverse methods based on local experiences and expertise. The conference will aim to build new and strengthen existing networks among these NGOs in the pursuit of humanity’s sustainable development. The conference organizers welcome the presentation submissions from ICH NGOs based anywhere in the world, including those that are not necessarily accredited by UNESCO under the 2003 Convention. Submissions are also accepted from those who may not hold membership to any NGOs but have written theses, case studies, research papers, or other scholarly output on ICH NGOs. Interested individuals and/or representatives of NGOs should submit the application with the abstract in English no later than 14 August 2020 via e-mail (ich.ngo.conference@gmail.com). For more details, please download the official call for papers. https://www.unesco-ichcap.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/07/FINAL-Call-for-Papers-1.pdf
● Event Summary
Title | Call for Papers: ICH and Resilience in Crisis | ||
Place | |||
Start Date | 2020-07-03 | End Date | 2020-08-14 |