Follow-Up Activities of Steering Committee(SC)

■ Preparation of program for 8.GA (1) 8.GA has been rescheduled from 9-11 June to 25-27 August, 2020. (2) Arranging ICH NGO Forum Desk for 8th General Assembly. (Guiding NGOs to present their materials such as leaflets, brochures, perhaps also posters, etc./ letters to be sent to all accredited NGOs) (3) Organizing a panel presentation and in-depth discussion on one or two success stories of good, viable, and innovative safeguarding practices.(The outcomes of the ICH and Museums (IMP) project to be presented) ■ Preparation of program for 15.COM (1) The theme of the Symposium is “ICH and Tourism.” (2) The joint session on the “Wheel Chart of Sustainability and ICH” co-organized by Finland (Sharing chart’s application in the work of ICH NGOs and their role in safeguarding) (3) The report of accredited NGOs will be introduced as a separate agenda. The reform of the listing mechanism, regional reporting, application of the overall results framework, treatment of correspondence from the public, etc. will be discussed. ■ The Network of European Museum Organization (NEMO) invited the Forum to join the international advisory board of the project proposal within the Horizon 2020 called “Culture Beyond Borders,” which intends to design a comprehensive strategy for cultural heritage and museums. Minutes of SC's monthly virtual meeting are uploaded a month later after the confirmation in the next meeting.

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Title Follow-Up Activities of Steering Committee(SC)
Date 0000-00-00

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