"Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists"

In 2019, the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has a jubilee - 150 years since its creation. In this occasion, in the period 17-19 October 2019, BAS, together with the Regional Center for Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southeastern Europe under the aegis of UNESCO, organized an international scientific forum on the topic: "Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists". Deadline for submission of applications for participation (author, institution, position, subject, summary with up to 800 signs) is June 15th, 2019. Application must be sent to ban_ich_rc@abv.bg The forum will be held in SOFIA, BAS, CENTRAL GOVERNANCE, GREAT HALL There will be also accompanying events as concerts, exhibition, etc. Transport and accommodation expenses are participants' obligation. Application form is in www.eaff.eu

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● Event Summary

Title "Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists"
Start Date 2019-10-17End Date 2019-10-19

● Map

