Baile Chino, the dance and dreams of Chile

Baile Chino is Chile’s own heritage that consists of five differing styles each unique to the origin of the dance’s location. The dance consists mainly of a group of 12 to 30 people who are arranged in a hierarchical manner, mainly organized by men leaving the upper figure at the top, which is generally a man with a good career and older age. The whole brotherhood is organized to be in two rows, those who dance while playing their pivilcas, and who are accompanied by a tamborcillo. The dance performs series of jumps, jumping on one foot and then to the other. The dance begins in crouching and along with it the interpretation of the melodies, which represents a great physical effort for all the participants. The orgin of Baile Chino dates back to the pre-Colombian period of Chile, sometime between 900s and 1400s, the dance evolved with aspects from the indigenous culture and Hispanic contributions. The Baile Chino is distinguished by their costumes, musical instruments, accompanied by the unique steps and rhythms of their dance. The old puvillca that produces a single note is followed by jump steps from crunching positions. This beautiful artform is transmitted through family members and neighbors by imitation, observation, and transmitted to the next generation. The Baile Chino ritual functions as a model for social integration, sense of identity, and the local community to come together for solidarity. Baile Chino was inscribed in 2014 to the list of Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity, References: ICH UNESCO, Wikipedia


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Venue : CHILE
