A National Inventorying Workshop

On March 17, 2019, Aigine CRC has started an inventorying workshop in Bishkek. Group members from all 7 provinces came with the goal to learn about the concept of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) reflected in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and to discuss and work out local ways/ approaches to make inventories of sacred sites and related rituals and practices. An inventorying workshop will finish on March 18 and the regional groups will start their field activities in the provinces. The workshop is being conducted in the frame of the project "Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures", supported by the ICH Fund of UNESCO.

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● Event Summary

Title A National Inventorying Workshop
Start Date 2019-03-17End Date 2019-03-18

● Map

