The Kankana-eys, an indigenous group from the northern Philippines, resort to a sharing system called solbeg.
As the baknang (a member of a wealthy household) entrusts one cattle head to his/her caretaker, the latter ensures that the cattle head produces three offspring: two of which, along with the original head, are given back to the baknang, while the remaining head is to be kept by the caretaker.
Through the solbeg sharing system, the baknang and the caretaker share in the responsibility of growing more cattle (Bagamaspad and Pawid 1985), benefitting their respective families and the community.
Text by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
References | Photo Credit: By Aninah Ong - Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0, Bagamaspad, A. and Zenaida Hamada-Pawid. (1985). A People’s History of Benguet. Baguio City, Philippines: Baguio Printing and Publishing Company, Inc. |