Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board held on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

1. Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Board held on Tuesday, January 9th, 2024

2. meeting with Executive Board representatives - Cholponai Usubalieva-Grishuk and

3. Accredited NGOs and THE ICH NGO Forum were presented in a good light throughout the meeting.

Report of the non-governmental organizations forum Decision: 15COM 6 LHE20 15 COM 6

1. Committee the report by the ICH NGO Forum on its

2. 1. The Committee examined the first report by the non-governmental organizations forum at its

3. 2. The annex to the present document contains the report submitted by the ICH NGO Forum with

December 16, 2020

1. The Vice-Chair Jorge Gustavo Caicedo presents the main outlines of the report, which is available on the Forum website.

2. The ICH NGO Forum report has been presented for the first time during the 15th session of the Intergovernmental Committee.

3. The observations made during the session are available in the ICH NGO Forum report.

Carnaval de Mamatoco

Históricamente, los primeros carnavales en el Caribe se remontan al siglo XVI en la zona de Mamatoco, Santa Marta, donde convergieron colonizadores, indígenas y más tarde poblaciones afrodescendientes. Esta mezcla cultural tomó forma bajo la influencia de la Iglesia Católica, evidenciada por la construcción de la primera iglesia de Hispanoamérica en Mamatoco. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, esto llevó gradualmente a que la expresión carnavalesca se ocultara dentro del ritual religioso. Mamatoco es quizás el único lugar en el mundo donde se celebran vibrantes precarnavales, aunque paradójicamente su carnaval permanece oculto, representando el origen de los carnavales cari...


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