Activities of the ICH NGO Forum During 19.COM
ICH NGO Forum , The 17th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee
Chief of the Living Heritage Entity (Culture)
UNESCO seeking to fill a vacancy position of Chief of the Living Heritage Entity (Culture) 1. OVERVIEWPost Number: CLT 338Grade: P-5Parent Sector: Culture Sector (CLT)Duty Station: ParisJob Family: CultureType of contract: Fixed TermDuration of contract: 2 yearsRecruitment open to: Internal and external candidatesApplication Deadline (Midnight Paris Time): 29-SEP-2023 (EXTENDED)UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism • OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE POSTThe Living Heritage Entity (CLT/LHE) is responsible for the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible CulturalHeritage. It supports efforts to safeguard intangible cultural heritage, ensures respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities,groups and individuals concerned, and raises awareness of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage. The Entity supports the governancemechanisms of the Convention, develops periodic reporting and
Le Festival Les Cultures du Monde à Gannat (03), un espace de promotion du patrimoine vivant.
Chaque été à Gannat, le Festival Les Cultures du Monde, un espace de promotion du patrimoine vivant.Depuis sa création en 1974, le Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat valorise chaque été le patrimoine culturelimmatériel (PCI) en invitant différents groupes praticiens, gardiens ou détenteurs de ce patrimoine vivant.Lors de la 49ème édition du festival cette année, vous découvrirez : l’art mongol du chant Khoomei, la Calligraphie arabe, le Chamamé argentin, l'uilleann piping irlandais, la pratique de la Cabrette et le Maloya. https://www.lesculturesdumonde.org/vivez-le-festival.html
Les rencontres de Gannat 2023... un espace de célébration autour du patrimoine vivant.
En 2023, l’Association Nationale Cultures du Monde, ONG partenaire officielle de l’Unesco, offrira dans le cadre du 49 Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat une place centrale à la célébration du 20e anniversaire de la Convention Unesco pour la sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (2003). Il s'agira d'un moment de dialogue pour les acteurs et les structures invitées, locales, nationales et internationales, associations et ONG, qui partagent le même objectif, la mise en œuvre de la convention.Un programme de débats, de conférences et de tables rondes auxquels participeront les différentes structures et acteurs culturels invitées parmi lesquelles :• L'Observatoire régional du Carnaval Guyanais• L’ONG TOWARA de Bénin• La Maison des cultures du monde - Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (MCM-CFPCI)• L’Association Île du Monde• L’Agence des Musiques des Territoires d'Auvergne (AMTA)• Le Conseil international des organisations de festivals de folklore et d'arts traditionnels (CIOFF Interna
Discover the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)/Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (PCI): a celebration of our living heritage!
To shed light on these cultural treasures, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a captivating video series. Titled "ICH, what is it ?",“PCI, qu’es aquò ?” This series invites you to dive into these vibrant traditions, explore heartfelt testimonials from community representatives and experts, and immerse yourself in striking illustrative imagery. Each video showcases elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage listed on UNESCO's Representative List, as well as elements found in the ICH inventory in France. Our aim is to raise awareness among the general public about the value and significance of this living heritage, while igniting your curiosity and interest in these unique practices.The popularization videos produced as part of the "ICH, what is it ?",“PCI, qu’es aquò ?” program, videos are freely available online through social media platforms. These videos serve as awareness-raising tools to introduce cultural diversity in a simple manner and promote respect and understanding among communi
Kaustinen ICH Seminar 2023 Building peace with intangible cultural heritage – preparedness, response and recovery
Finnish Folk Music Institute in collaboration with Kaustinen Folk Music Festival organizes a seminar on building peace with intangible cultural heritage on Saturday 15th of July 2023 at 11.00–14.45 at Folk Art Centre, Kaustinen. In the seminar the role of ICH in times of emergency and armed conflict is reflected on from various viewpoints. How can heritage communities prepare for emergencies, how can living heritage be safeguarded in the midst of war and what role has safeguarding ICH in the recovery and reconciliation work on conflict devastated societies? How are regional and national identities jeopardized and used and misused in wars and social unrest?In the seminar examples of peace work in the field of ICH are presented in means of music and talks from Colombia, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Finland. The 2003 Convention’s work on Operational principles and modalities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in emergencies offers the common thread to the discussions. The mission of the sem
Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage 9th General Assembly of States Parties ICH NGO Forum - Seminar 2022 Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security
Over the past year, the ICH NGO Forum has mapped the expertise and safeguarding practices of 85 accredited NGOs across all regions of the world. Speakers at this side event will discuss how they employ ICH to mediate conflicts, build community resilience in crises, mitigate impacts of climate change, support economic wellbeing, improve the lives of women and girls, safety and integration of displaced persons, ensure food security through traditional agricultural practices and help to create a healthy and sustainable environmentProgramme Chair Laurier Turgeon, Folklore Studies Association of Canada, Chair of the ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee Women’s Activities in Maintaining Sustainable Agricultural Practices: The Geochang Cooperatives Hwang Eui Dong, Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS), South Korea Traditional Wisdom in Everyday Life : Supporting Social Transformation Cholponai Usbalieva-Gryshchuk, Aigine Cultural Research Center, Kyrgyzstan Intangible Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict and Post-
« Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security », to be held on July 5th from 1 :00 to 3 :00 PM on site at the UNESCO headquarters, room 6
Dear Accredited NGOs and Delegates / Chères ONG accréditées et Délégués, You are cordially invited to the seminar on « Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security », to be held on July 5th from 1 :00 to 3 :00 PM on site at the UNESCO headquarters, room 6, (cold buffet served on site) organized by the ICH NGO Forum during the 9th session of the General Assembly of the State Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO Headquarters, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, 5 to 7 July 2022. - Because room 6 cannot accommodate more that 57 people, advanced registration is requested by sending an email to Laurier.Turgeon@hst.ulaval.ca and to rbtbaron@gmail.com as soon as possible and no latter than Sunday 18h00 Paris time. Places will be attributed on a first come first serve bases. Vous êtes cordialement invités à participer au séminaire sur « Les bonnes pratiques de sauvegarde pour la sécurité humaine », le 5 juillet de 13h00 à 15h00 qui se tiendra dans la salle 6 (buffet
ONLINE EVENT: Apply to the Fund of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the ICH / ÉVÉNEMENT EN LIGNE : Faire une demande au Fonds de la Convention de 2003 pour la sauvegarde du PCI
The Living Heritage Entity presents the online event ‘Apply to the Fund of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’ which will take place in March 2022. Three information sessions are organized to present the International Assistance mechanism of the 2003 Convention, the modalities and the process of application. In addition, the Toolkit for requesting International Assistance from the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will be presented. This guideline introduces key concepts of the Convention, the criteria for receiving funding and how to plan and monitor projects.To participate, please register for one of the following sessions:· 22 March 2022 from 9:00 to 11:00 (Paris time): Presentation of international assistance for the Asia and Pacific region. Interpretation will be available in French and English. Link to register: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpde6oqDgjE92Xb9pumsRLX-wb9reH4DHK· 24 March 2022 from
The Composition of the new Steering Committee for 2021-2022
Executive positions of the Steering Committee for 2021-2022(from top left to bottow right in the photo):Mr. Martín Andrade- Pérez, Mr. Laurier Turgeon, Mr. Sekou Berte, Mr. Mohammed Mohamed Lemine Beidieu, Ms. Janet Blake, Mr. Robert Baron, and Ms. Tamara Nikolic Deric (on the separate photo). Laurier Turgeon, - President Janet Blake – Vice President Robert Baron – Secretary Martín Andrade- Pérez - Treasurer. Steering Committee 2020 - 2021 Western Europe and North America: Mr. Laurier Turgeon - Folklore Studies Association of Canada (Canada) - President Eastern Europe: Ms. Tamara Nikolic Deric – Association House of Batana (Croatia) Latin America and the Caribbean: Mr. Martín Andrade- Pérez- Erigaie Foundation (Colombia) - Treasurer Asia and the Pacific: Ms. Janet Blake – Persian Garden Institute for Living Heritage - (Islamic Republic of Iran) – Vice President Africa: Mr. Sekou Berte - Mali Cultural Heritage Agency (Mali) -- Responsable for CommunicationsArab States: Mr. Mohammed Mohamed Lemine Beidieu
The results of the third call for Arab States, Eastern Europe and Latin America
The voting for ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee Elections will be held online on December 14 2021 and December 15 until noon Paris time (GMT+1:00).A voting link will be sent to one designated email for each accredited NGO.Please click here to fill up the designated email id for your NGO using an online form. Please complete this before December 13, 2021 08:00 PM Paris time (GMT+ 1:00) Only NGOs who submit email id through this form will get a voting link.The presentation of the candidates for the elections will be held Monday 13 December online at 17h30-19h30 Paris time (GMT+1:00)Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568Passcode: 584051The candidates elected will be announced on Wednesday 15 December during the General Assembly of the ICH NGO Forum, at 17h30-19h30 Paris time (GMT+1:00)Link: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/j/98667893587Passcode: 536809List of candidates and application files:Africa (Group V a):- M. Sekou Berte, Mali Cultural Heritage
2003 Convention: 16.COM Information on registration and election / 16.COM Informations sur les enregistrements et elections
Following my previous message on 3 December last regarding the fully online meeting modality of the upcoming sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (13–18 December 2021), I would like to provide further information on the following three aspects:1. Registration for the 16.COM Information and exchange session (10 December 2021)2. Registration for the 16.COM (13 to 18 December 2021)3. Voting by secret ballotShould you have queries, please contact the Secretariat at ichmeetings@unesco.org.Yours sincerely,Tim CurtisSecretary, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage1. Registration for the 16.COM Information and exchange session (10 December 2021 - 2.00 to 3.00 p.m., Paris time)An Information and exchange session will be held through the Zoom platform on Friday, 10 December 2021 from 2.00 to 3.00 p.m (Paris time). The purpose of the meeting will be to introduce, in the presence of t
Survey on Article 21
Please visit the mentioned site below for the Survey on Article 21:--- English version below ----Chers représentants des ONG accréditées auprès de la Convention de 2003,Nous, membres du groupe de travail ad hoc sur l'article 21 de la section IV des statuts du Forum des ONG du PCI, aimerions vous présenter ci-dessous un bref questionnaire complété par des informations générales pour votre lecture.Lien vers le questionnaire en français : https://forms.gle/XnhPD6dpmHztqVXh8Merci beaucoup pour votre collaboration !---------------------------------------------Dear Representatives of the accredited NGOs to the 2003 Convention,We, members of the Ad hoc working group on Article 21 of Section IV of the ICH NGO Forum Bylaws, would like to present a short questionnaire supplemented by background information for your perusal below.Link to questionnaire in English: https://forms.gle/Pz6DNgqmZroWvHnN9Thank you very much for your collaboration.
Editorial Board Meeting #HeritageAlive Chaired by Eivind Falk (Norwegian Crafts Institute)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09 Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568 Passcode: 584051 (All times indicated are Paris time (GMT+1:00) Tuesday 14 December 13h15-14h15 #HeritageAlive Meeting Chaired by Eivind Falk (Norwegian Crafts Institute)
All meetings will be held online. Please find attached the final programme of the ICH NGO Forum activities during the week of the 12th to the 18th of December.PROGRAMME FOR THE ICH NGO FORUM (16COM 2021) The ICH NGO FORUM meetings during 16COM will all be held online.Participants may access the meetings online at their convenience throughout the week by clicking on this Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09 Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568Passcode: 584051(All times indicated are Paris time (GMT+1:00) Saturday 4 December 13h30-18h00Online workshop to present an overview of the 2003 Convention, the role of NGOs, the ICH NGO Forum and the programme and participation at 16COM.The workshop is especially geared to respond to the needs and questions of the newly accredited NGOs, but we welcome all NGOs interested in keeping up with recent developments and wanting first-hand information to better prepare for 16COM.French language session: 13h30-15h00 (Paris time) (Led by Laurie
Dear ICH NGO Forum members, We are writing to inform you that all of the ICH NGO Forum meetings will be held online. The Secretariat of the ICH Convention advised us yesterday of this decision. We are currently revising the programme of activities to adapt it to this new situation. Please be advised that we will maintain all of the planned activities (symposium on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM Paris time, Monday evening election speeches, AGA on Wednesday, and working group meetings during the week). The only difference is that the time slots may change slightly in order to adapt to the changes in the ICG meeting schedule, which should be sent to us tomorrow. We aim to send you the revised final programme of the ICH NGO Forum meetings as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow, Friday 3 December. We thank you for your patience and understanding in these challenging times. The Steering CommitteeICH NGO Forum
Online International Conference on the Craft of the Miller
In 2017: the craft of the miller was the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ first inscription on the Representative List of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. However: this craft is not unique to the Netherlands. By organising an international online conference: we aim to bring together wind- and watermill parties from all over the world to share knowledge and skills and develop an international network of millers and mill societies. Initially we intended to convene a conference in the Netherlands: but due to COVID-19 it could not take place. We decided not to wait until we can meet in person. Therefore we are organising an online meeting. You find the programme here: https://network.molens.nl/If you are unable to attend this conference but you would like to receive news about future activities: please send an e-mail to: craftofthemiller@molens.nl
Online Stage
The “ONLINE STAGE” platform on the EAFF's website provides an easy way to promote folklore music and dance video performances: which in just a few steps will be visible on the website of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF.The aim of the initiative is to present records of high artistic value to keep alive the traditions of the nations.The unique virtual stage will provide you a stage to present yourself: despite the current global situation: delighting fans of folklore art. You can send your video to the "online stage" with just one click.The "ONLINE STAGE" section is part of the eponymous new section of the EAFF's website: which also provides access to the overview-documentary festival films: to the editions of the TV show "World Folklore Art" and to the monthly TV shows of the TV Championship by EurofolkTV .The new section also takes you to the opportunity to become viewers and listeners of EAFF's main media partners - Eurofolk's online television and online radio. Enjoy the emotions with
X World Championship of Folklore "World folk 2020" ONLINE
The team of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF: (ICH) partner of UNESCO welcomes all the performers in the field of the folklore arts!We are pleased to announce that the jubilee X edition of the World Championship of Folklore "World folk" 2020 will be held in two formats - traditionally: in a real environment and virtually: on the Internet. The online version of the Championship is a result of the pandemic situation around the world and in response to the imposed measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. In this regard: EAFF offers a new platform for performance and creative contacts for all folk groups: which do not have the opportunity to travel and attend the event live! Join the online edition of the X World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" 2020 and become part of the upcoming virtual contest!With this new form of communication: let us overcome isolation and stay together in this challenge: because folklore has always been: is and will be shared knowledge! Of course: online partici
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival finds the ways to do it online
Thousands of cultural and heritage events throughout the world have been cancelled due to covid-19 pandemic. Kaustinen Folk Music Festival: the major Finnish folk music and dance event and one of the majors in Northern Europe: also had to tell this sad message to its dedicated friends. In order to support practising and sharing living heritage under current conditions and to keep up the festival community: consisting of 4000–5000 professional and amateur performers and 40000–50000 visitors annually: a virtual online festival was quickly created. The core of the VirtualKaustinen 2020 online event: 13.–19.7.2020: is the general invitation to all willing groups and individuals to record video performances: upload them to Youtube and share the link to the festival organization. Several hundred videos are expected: and the festival publishes daily a selection of dozens of links. The programme also consists of daily streamed concerts and workshops: interviews and a webcast radio by The Finnish Folk Music Institute
Workshop on ICH management in Pernik, Bulgaria
The Regional Centre Sofia organizes two-days workshops on 'ICH management' in different cities in Bulgaria in the frames of the project named “Safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage through enhancing civil society’s participation on the process of formulating: implementing and monitoring of policies and legislation”.After the first workshop in Ruse and the following in Koprivshtitsa: Burgas and Vratsa: the last planned workshop will be held in the city of Pernik on March 5-6: 2020.More information: available in Bulgarian* Link: http://www.unesco-centerbg.org
DANCE AWARD SEASON 2020: Where you are the protagonist!
The Dance Grand Prix present the International Competitions and invite your dance school/group to compete and performing at the most prestigious "Art Cities Theatres" in Europe."Barcelona Dance Award" in Spain from 9 to 13 April 2020 during Easter Spring Time.and"Dance Grand Prix Venice-Florence" in Italy from 22 to 26 June 2020 during Summer Time.To find out how to qualify: mail the office: so Directors should act right away for next Year!Unfortunately: in this year: space has been limited and many groups have failed to register: and we hope do not have this kind of problems: for your dance group: next 2020 editions!If you need: just in a few days you will receive (free on charges for you!) some advertising materials from us:the brochures and posters of the Dance Grand Prix 2020 Season: reply to this e.mail for request of info.our info email: eurodancebarcelona@gmail.comFull Name: ___________________________________________School/Company Name: ________________________________Email Address: __________________
Madur and Patachitra at Hungary Heritage House
2 traditional handicraft artists from rural West Bengal (Patachitra and Madur weaving) have reached Budapest on 13th Aug. Hungarian Heritage House is hosting a Patachitra exhibition starting 15 August onwards. On 17th onwards the Handicraft artists will be at Festival of Folk Arts at Buda Castle. Request all friends to please visit both the exhibition to be at held at Hungary Heritage House House ground floor Exhibition Hall and then the festival of Folk Art at Buda Castle. Aug 15 is India's Independence Day (73rd year of Independence) and we are happy that Indian Ambassador in Budapest will inaugurate the exhibition at 5 pm on 15 Aug.
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019 and Folk Music Festival (7/8/19-7/14/19)
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019The impact of Unesco nominations on community-based safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – experiences and practices.Date: July 13th: 2019 Location: Folk Art Centre: Museosali: Jyväskyläntie 3: Kaustinen: FinlandThe seminar’s aim is to elaborate the role and impact of Unesco’s lists of intangible cultural heritage in safeguarding cultural heritage. What effect have nominations brought to practitioners in different Baltic and Nordic countries? What ways are there to promote good safeguarding practices? What role might NGOs take in the process? What kinds of threats or downsides are there in following the safeguarding framework of the convention?In the seminar we’ll hear presentations reflecting different ICH elements from Norway: Sweden: Estonia: Latvia and Finland. Seminar is free of charge and held in English.Registration until 10th of July: anne.virkkala-harju@kaustinen.fi (Limited number of seats!)Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2019The seminar is a
"Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists"
In 2019: the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has a jubilee - 150 years since its creation. In this occasion: in the period 17-19 October 2019: BAS: together with the Regional Center for Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southeastern Europe under the aegis of UNESCO: organized an international scientific forum on the topic: "Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists". Deadline for submission of applications for participation (author: institution: position: subject: summary with up to 800 signs) is June 15th: 2019. Application must be sent to ban_ich_rc@abv.bg The forum will be held in SOFIA: BAS: CENTRAL GOVERNANCE: GREAT HALL There will be also accompanying events as concerts: exhibition: etc. Transport and accommodation expenses are participants' obligation. Application form is in www.eaff.eu
Living Cultural Heritage - Safeguarding, Practices, Information Technologies LCH-2019
Living Cultural Heritage -Safeguarding: Practices: Information Technologies LCH-201926 - 29 August 2019: Nessebar: Bulgaria www.eaff.eu Conference will be held in the frames of the IX World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2019" organized by the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF. The forum is aimed to the theme for preservation: presentation and digitization of the cultural heritage and has interdisciplinary nature. The leading purpose is the broad-spectrum interpretation of the concept of living cultural heritage. On the one hand - as a phenomenon of the living cultural practices and in general - as a scientifically systematized digital content of various tangible and intangible values from museums: archives: community centers etc. Sharing the Bulgarian and foreign experience in specialized and interdisciplinary scientific research: the exchange of modern information technology solutions as well: will be useful in achieving meaningful and technologically renewed living knowledg
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019The impact of Unesco nominations on community-based safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – experiences and practices.SAT 13.7. / Folk Art Centre: Museosali: Jyväskyläntie 3: Kaustinen: FinlandThe seminar’s aim is to elaborate the role and impact of Unesco’s lists of intangible cultural heritage in safeguarding cultural heritage. What effect have nominations brought to practitioners in different Baltic and Nordic countries? What ways are there to promote good safeguarding practices? What role might NGOs take in the process? What kinds of threats or downsides are there in following the safeguarding framework of the convention?In the seminar we’ll hear presentations reflecting different ICH elements from Norway: Sweden: Estonia: Latvia and Finland. Seminar is free of charge and held in English.Registration until 15th of June: anne.virkkala-harju@kaustinen.fiPROGRAM:11.30 Welcome to the seminar – Kaustinen fiddle playingMatti Hakamäki / Finnish Folk Music
Expert meeting on intangible cultural heritage in emergencies
DATE: 05/21/2019- 05/22/2019Location: UNESCO Headquarters: Paris (France)At the request of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: UNESCO is organizing an expert meeting in UNESCO Headquarters: Paris: on 21 - 22 May 2019: with the generous support of the People’s Republic of China. The aim of the meeting is to discuss methodological guidance for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in emergencies.In this context: experts will address notably the two following dimensions: how is intangible cultural heritage itself disrupted and threatened under such circumstances and what can be done for its safeguarding; and: on the other hand: how can intangible cultural heritage be promoted: safeguarded or supported: as a critical means for rebuilding social cohesion: fostering reconciliation and/or facilitating recovery for communities confronted with situations of emergencies. The results of the meeting will be presented to the Director-General of UNESCO and su
IX World Championship of Folklore "World folk 2019"
Location: Nessebar and the resort complex “Sunny Beach” (Wikipedia) The World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2019" is organizing byThe World Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF:The European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF:World Folklore Academy: Event Vacation. With the support of:UNESCO: IOV-WORLD: CID-UNESCOMunicipalities of Nessebar: Burgas: Pomorie and Obzor: Sveti VlasBasic InformationA special feature of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" is that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television equipment and the best of them are repeatedly broadcasted by 20 cable televisions in Bulgaria: by satellite televisions "Travel TV": "Rodina TV" and "Heros TV" with coverage across Europe: as well as by the Web Television "EuroFolkTV" at tv.eurofolk.com With these activities the main goal of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2018“ is being realized and that is to protection and popularize the traditional folk arts through the enormous possibilitie
Seventh Session of the General Assembly
Seventh Session of the General AssemblyThe seventh session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage takes place at UNESCO headquarters: Paris: from Monday 4 to Wednesday 6 June 2018. Over the three days: 177 States Parties will discuss a number of issues that are important for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world. In the margin of this Assembly: a series of side-events is being organized by the Secretariat under the global theme of ‘Tell your #living heritage story’. They will exhibit the richness of living heritage today and provide a platform for discourse and experience-sharing among the different actors involved in safeguarding: including the States: NGOs: youth and community members.
2018 ICCN General Assembly
I am pleased to inform that ICCN(Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network)is going to host the 2018 ICCN General Assembly in September 5 to 9 in Algemesi: Spain. I would like all ICCN members: experts and other cultural partners to particpate in the ICCN GA. During the GA: La Mare de Deu de la Salut: one of UNESCO ICH: will be held so that it will be a great opportunity to enjoy the UNESCO Festivity for us. At the GA: we have an international conference on the theme of "we want to know your heritage including an executive meeting and the general assembly meeing. In addtion: all participants will have a chance to attend the UNESCO festivity's parade and cultural activities.
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