Festive events held under the slogan "May your values be eternal - Navruz!"
Colombian Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace: Museum Bodies for Empathy
ICH NGO Forum , The 17th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee
Colombian Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace: Museum Bodies for Empathy
This inventory documents a journey through Colombia’s most remote territories and silenced communities, exploring the role of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) in fostering peace, collective memory, and social cohesion. The project engages diverse cultural expressions, including bodily movement, music, Cuadros Vivos (Living Pictures), weaving, and traditional games, as tools for mutual understanding, empathy, and reconciliation.By facilitating cultural exchanges between territories and communities, the initiative nurtures awareness of Colombia’s rich cultural mosaic. Through the transmission of songs, movements, stories, and emotions, participants co-create collective narratives, shaping a polyphonic chorus that reimagines and transforms history.The creative process unfolds in three key stages: Exploring Embodied Memories – Recognizing the body as a living archive of personal and collective experiences.Mapping Social Connections – Identifying shared gestures and interactions that reflect cultural heritage an
Call for abstracts ICH and Climate Change /Appel à communications PCI et Changement Climatique
Dear members of the working group on ICH and Climate Change,This is a friendly reminder that the deadline for the submission of abstracts is quickly approaching (24 February !!!!).It would be appreciated if you could submit your abstract before our meeting on Tuesday 18 February so we have a better idea of the number of people submitting. I look forward to seeing you at our next seminar on Tuesday, 15h00 Paris time. PLEASE FIND THE AGENDA BELOWBUSINESS MEETING OF THE WORKING GROUP ON ICH, CLIMATE CHANGE AND THE ENVIRONMENTTuesday, 18 February 2025 from 16:00 to 17h00 (UTC +1) (UNESCO Paris time) Join Zoom Meetinghttps://us02web.zoom.us/j/89064105303?pwd=qVJtaVJdt0fpXjuTiNPcIwTodVuw2F.1ID of Meeting: 890 6410 5303 Secret Code : 874477 AGENDA 1. Word of welcome and presentation of new members2. Approval of the Agenda3. Approval of the minutes of the last meeting4. Information5. Evalutation of the abstract submissions and calendar 6. Website7. Other business8. Adjournment9. Date of the next m
Activities of the ICH NGO Forum During 19.COM
This year's symposium is organised jointly by the Executive Board of the ICH NGO Forum and the WG Research under the theme Participatory Approaches to Living Heritage: NGO PerspectivesThe one-day symposium will focus on how NGOs develop and implement community-based and participatory approaches to safeguarding living heritage. Sessions will present a range of international case-studies and look at how participatory work is shaped by the local context of each field site, but also practical and ethical issues of translating global heritage policy into practice. The panel discussion will provide an opportunity to review and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of participatory work.Immediately following these sessions, a panel on the Overall Results Framework (ORF) will present a Handbook and an Information Note on the ORF in relation to NGO involvement in the realisation of the ORF and into periodic reporting in the countries.Date: Sunday, 1 December, 2024, 09:30 – 17:30 (GMT-3) local time in ParaguayOns
ICHNGO annual report of the Forum’s programmatic activities
CONVENTION FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE INTERGOVERNMENTAL COMMITTEE FOR THE SAFEGUARDING OF THE INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE Nineteenth session Asunción, Republic of Paraguay 2 to 7 December 2024 Item 13 of the provisional agenda: Report of the non-governmental organizations forum Summary The present document brings the attention of the Committee to the report by the ICH NGO Forum on its activities since the eighteenth session of the Committee in December 2023. Decision required: paragraph 6 LHE/24/19.COM/13 – page 2 1. Since 2020, the Committee has examined an annual ‘Report of the Non-Governmental Organizations Forum’ as a stand-alone agenda item, following the request by the Committee at its fourteenth session in 2019 (Decision 14.COM 15). Pursuant to Decision 18.COM 15 adopted by the eighteenth session of the Committee, the present session of the Committee is requested, once again and for the fifth time, to examine such a report submitted by the ICH NGO Forum as provided in the
19th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the ICH
The nineteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place in Asunción, Republic of Paraguay from Monday 2 to Saturday 7 December 2024.An opening ceremony is scheduled on Sunday, 1 December 2024. The session will be chaired by H.E. Ms Nancy Ovelar de Gorostiaga, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary and Permanent Delegate of the Republic of Paraguay to UNESCO.Attached are the programs from the EB: The Executive Board is looking forward to seeing you at person in Asuncion, Paraguay or online at the ICH NGO Forum’s Symposium on Sunday, December 1st at 9:30 Paraguay time (GMT -3, 1:30 CET), Presentation of Candidates for the Executive Board on Monday, December 2nd at 17:45 Paraguay time (GMT -3, 21:45 CET) and the General Assembly on Wednesday, December 4th at 13:15 Paraguay time (GMT -3, 17:15 CET). There will be a robust program of ICH NGO Forum associated side events throughout the week. You can find here a program listing of a
Inscribed in 2023 (https://ich.unesco.org/en/18com) on the Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Jamu is a wellness culture in the form of herbal medicine and traditional treatment heritage of the Indonesian people. Jamu culture has existed in Indonesia/Nusantara since the 8th Century CE. This is proven from relief carvings on Borobudur Temple (8TH Century) and ancient manuscripts (eg. Ramayana Kekawin, sarga 1-9, pada 989 (910 CE), Serat Centini 1814 M, and palm leaf manuscripts. Jamu is not the same as ordinary medicine, being for health, beauty, happiness, Jamu increases the body's immunity, maintains health and helps treat diseases, according to a heritage system.The geographical location of jamu wellness culture encompasses the whole of Indonesia. Concentrations of jamu wellness culture are found in the provinces of Central Java, Yogyakarta Special Province and East Java. Jamu makers from Java have spread all over Indonesia. Traditional medicines are found in various regions in Indonesia w
Ła Comedia Veneta - The Venetian Comedy
The Venetian Comedy as a cultural means of expression, entertainment, learning and socialization done in the Venetian language as a vehicle and an essential element of the plays.Dating back to the XV century, with high-ranking periods, it is currently a vast phenomenon in Venetian-speaking communities in the Veneto region and where venetophone stable, ample and long-standing communities are present abroad for historical reasons (mainly: Slovenia, Croatia, Brasil).It is studied by Academias (as a performing art and as to the language and culture) and currently very active thanks to hundreds of acting companies, both professional and amateur, with dozens of playwirghts.
Korean bamboo screen/blind making: jukryeom/yeomjang
To separate and create interior and outside spaces, for privacy, to create cooling shade from the sun in the hot weather that retained breeze, for ritual and state use, and a myriad of other uses, Koreans made bamboo blinds or screens. Three-to-four-year-old bamboo (wangdae) is harvested by hand in climates and ecosystems that grow the strongest and most dense plants, and then processed in many steps to harvest the outer grain of each cylinder and splice them thin. The finest screens are made from splints drawn through metal drawplates, and woven with weights and, traditionally, silk thread, on a loom.
Carnaval de Mamatoco
Históricamente, los primeros carnavales en el Caribe se remontan al siglo XVI en la zona de Mamatoco, Santa Marta, donde convergieron colonizadores, indígenas y más tarde poblaciones afrodescendientes. Esta mezcla cultural tomó forma bajo la influencia de la Iglesia Católica, evidenciada por la construcción de la primera iglesia de Hispanoamérica en Mamatoco. Sin embargo, con el tiempo, esto llevó gradualmente a que la expresión carnavalesca se ocultara dentro del ritual religioso. Mamatoco es quizás el único lugar en el mundo donde se celebran vibrantes precarnavales, aunque paradójicamente su carnaval permanece oculto, representando el origen de los carnavales caribeños en Colombia y la identidad de las mujeres y hombres caribeños.Este fenómeno agrega una capa adicional de complejidad y autenticidad a las celebraciones populares y comunitarias en toda la cuenca del Caribe, enfatizando la riqueza cultural y la singularidad de las expresiones carnavalescas hispanoamericanas, que tienen una amplia relación con
Festive Cycle around the devotion and cult of Saint John the Baptist
It is an element of the Intangible Cultural Heritage deeply rooted in more than 150 communities in the northern and central coastal region of the country, in most cases located in front of the Caribbean Sea, at the foot of the Coastal Mountains. These communities are located mainly in the states of Aragua, Carabobo, Miranda, Vargas (current state of La Guaira) and Yaracuy, and include different localities, both rural and urban, of Afro-descendant origin.
Traditional skills of building and sailing Iranian Lenj boats in the Persian Gulf
Inscribed in 2011 (6.COM) on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent SafeguardingIranian Lenj vessels are traditionally hand-built and are used by inhabitants of the northern coast of the Persian Gulf for sea journeys, trading, fishing and pearl diving. The traditional knowledge surrounding Lenjes includes oral literature, performing arts and festivals, in addition to the sailing and navigation techniques and terminology and weather forecasting that are closely associated with sailing, and the skills of wooden boat-building itself. The navigational knowledge used to sail Lenjes was traditionally passed on from father to son. Iranian navigators could locate the ship according to the positions of the sun, moon and stars; they used special formulae to calculate latitudes and longitudes, as well as water depth. Each wind was given a name, which along with the colour of water or the height of waves was used to help forecast the weather. Specific music and rhythms also constituted inseparable par
Qālišuyān rituals of Mašhad-e Ardehāl in Kāšān
Inscribed in 2012 (7.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityQālišuyān rituals are practised in Iran to honour the memory of Soltān Ali, a holy figure among the people of Kāšān and Fin. According to legend, he was martyred, and his body found and carried in a carpet to a stream, where it was washed and buried by the people of Fin and Xāve. Today, Soltān Ali mausoleum is the site of a ritual where a carpet is washed in the holy stream by a huge gathering. It takes place on the nearest Friday to the seventeenth day of the month of Mehr, according to the solar-agricultural calendar. In the morning, people of Xāve gather at the mausoleum to sprinkle rosewater on the carpet. Having completed the wrapping rituals, they deliver it to the people of Fin outside, who rinse the carpet in running water, and sprinkle rosewater drops with neatly cut and beautifully decorated wooden sticks. The carpet is then returned to the mausoleum. People of Kāšān contribute a prayer-carpet and the
Naqqāli, Iranian dramatic story-telling
Inscribed in 2011 (6.COM) on the List of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Need of Urgent SafeguardingNaqqāli is the oldest form of dramatic performance in the Islamic Republic of Iran and has long played an important role in society, from the courts to the villages. The performer – the Naqqāl – recounts stories in verse or prose accompanied by gestures and movements, and sometimes instrumental music and painted scrolls. Naqqāls function both as entertainers and as bearers of Persian literature and culture, and need to be acquainted with local cultural expressions, languages and dialects, and traditional music. Naqqāli requires considerable talent, a retentive memory and the ability to improvise with skill to captivate an audience. The Naqqāls wear simple costumes, but may also don ancient helmets or armoured jackets during performances to help recreate battle scenes. Female Naqqāls perform before mixed audiences. Until recently, Naqqāls were deemed the most important guardians of folk-tales, ethnic epics and I
Nawrouz, Novruz, Nowrouz, Nowrouz, Nawrouz, Nauryz, Nooruz, Nowruz, Navruz, Nevruz, Nowruz, Navruz
Inscribed in 2016 (11.COM) on the Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of HumanityNew Year is often a time when people wish for prosperity and new beginnings. March 21 marks the start of the year in Afghanistan, Azerbaijan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of), Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkey, Turkmenistan and Uzbekistan. It is referred to as Nauryz, Navruz, Nawrouz, Nevruz, Nooruz, Novruz, Nowrouz or Nowruz meaning ‘new day’ when a variety of rituals, ceremonies and other cultural events take place for a period of about two weeks. An important tradition practised during this time is the gathering around ‘the Table’, decorated with objects that symbolize purity, brightness, livelihood and wealth, to enjoy a special meal with loved ones. New clothes are worn and visits made to relatives, particularly the elderly and neighbours. Gifts are exchanged, especially for children, featuring objects made by artisans. There are also street performances of music and dance, publi
Training workshop on capacity-building for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage with focus on empowering women for sustained livelihood and sustainable development
This project is envisaged to be held in 2024. It will make the most of relevant success stories on the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage that have proved effective in empowering women through sustained livelihoods and the intergenerational transfer of knowhow on living heritage of communities, in the Region and beyond. Women in West and Central Asia are bearers of valuable knowledge, professions, skills, and arts. They are the bearers of different forms of oral culture that has been continued and developed by themselves through time. The continuity of these forms of living heritage in today’s world, with a special focus on the role of women, is dependent on the part(s) that these forms of living heritage can play in sustained economic development of their bearer communities. Considering that the Region and beyond is abundant with such success stories, the proposed project can offer an opportunity to selected countries of the Region for empowering women.
Networking among NGOs of the region (west and central Asia), information-sharing and mapping of expertise
Working with representatives from member and participating countries of Tehran ICH Centre, develop a better understanding of the role of NGOs in the 2003 Convention and identify and gather information on such bodies/entities in each country. This project that was envisaged for implementation in FY 2023-2024 and effective steps have been taken so far in implementing it in hybrid and online formats, needs to be continued in FY 2024-2025 to achieve the objectives and expected results outlined for it under the approved Action Plan by the Tehran ICH Centre. This will involve, in FY 2024-25, holding one or more information-sharing meeting(s) with focal points from member and participating countries with the aim of exploring and explaining: the range and type of potentially relevant NGOs/CSOs in the regional countries; the role of NGOs within the 2003 Convention; the areas of policy-making and of ICH safeguarding in which they might be active; and the possibilities and process of accreditation to the Committee. This
The Eel Coast Cultural Heritage
The Eel Coast Cultural Heritage refers to the more than 3000 years old eel fishing tradition in the Southeastern Sweden. At least since the Scandinavian Bronze Age, eel has been fished for its meat and richness of healthy proteins, Omega 3 and D-vitamines. The traditions along the so called Eel Coast between Åhus and Kivik on the East coast of the landscape Scania, Sweden, are collected by the Eel Coast Cultural Heritage NGO and consist of knowlegde of tools, nets, boats, boat houses, craftmanship, mending of nets and tools, the currents and sea, songs, cooking, oral storytelling.
Jiseung, or Korean paper basketry, is an indigenous art form practiced in Korea for centuries and is sometimes referred to as noyeokgae. It involves twisting and twining lengths of hanji (Korean paper) into objects needed in households. Beyond using long lengths of corded hanji for rope, which were turned into mesh bags and undergarments, hanji twists were woven into vessels, mats, tea tables, pillowcases, shoes, quivers, brush holders, baskets, wallets, backpacks, purses, lanterns, chamber pots, bowls, and teapots.
“In some places, exchange-labor relationships may not be structured as a network (with fuzzy boundaries) but may be quite elaborately organized, as is the case in Luisiana, Laguna (Duhaylungsod, 1981 in Olofson, 1983, p. 169). Here the arrangement is called tornohan, and a group of farmers democratically elect a facilitator (kabisilya), (whose) office rotates among them. They have a set term of agreement for a period of work, meet on the same two days of every week, always hold a festivity at the end of every turn and rotation, and have regular meetings to analyze problems encountered in the work and to decide on the remaining schedule. Besides the expansion and cultivation of upland and wet-rice parcels, the tornohan involves work in coconut plantations and in making fishponds in damming streams” (Olofson, 1983, p. 169). Text submitted by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
Harmonic Swiddens
“Harmonic swiddens (are) precursors to indigenous agroforestry” (Olofson, 1983, p. 154). “Swiddens—clearings made in the forest by shifting cultivators—may be of two types, depending on the cultural traditions of the farmer. Harmonic swiddens are simultaneous polycultures that have the characteristics listed above for AFS*. Disharmonic swiddens may have evolved from harmonic ones, with the farmer learning to specialize to the point of monoculture or near-monoculture, with one species such as sweet potato, upland rice, or corn dominating in the field… The harmonic swidden is much more capable than the disharmonic of regenerating into natural forest during the fallow period” (ibid.). “The Tiruray of Mindanao have been described as having another kind of what I call resonance between the forest and the cultivated areas. This involves a virtual exchange of planting materials between the two sites. Four bamboo species, the fruit trees Averrhoa carambola, narra, and Gendarussa vulgaris are taken from the forest and
Primus Occupantis
“The general pattern in the establishment of rights to land in the Cordillera is primus occupantis (i.e., the first to occupy the land by clearing and using it). Titles are embedded in rituals and are orally transmitted. The various groups have different land-use systems and different kinds of rights attached to land—for foraging, swiddening, wet-rice agriculture, mining, and grazing cattle and water buffalo. It is not uncommon for some ethnic groups to have multiple land-use systems, each governed by different rules” (Prill-Brett, 1994, p. 689). Text submitted by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
Subsistence (or Kinship) Mode of Production
“Indigenous communities are generally subsistence production societies… Because forests are a highly diversified environment, they provide opportunities for a variety of productive activities such as forest resource extraction, horticulture, hunting and fishing. Traditionally, the exploitation of the natural environment is carried out on a small scale because the fundamental goal is simple production to maintain the household and not production of surplus for the market. By its nature, this mode of production tends not to over-exploit the available resources. Such a level of resource exploitation does more to assure long-term sustainability of production, although it is considered underproductive from the standpoint of formal economics” (Duhaylungsod, 1998; Duhaylungsod & Hyndman, 1995 in Duhaylungsod, 2001, p. 612).“This subsistence mode of production of indigenous peoples is largely based on an ideology of reciprocal exchange. As in access to land use, the entire production system of indigenous peoples is s
Baybayin is one of the Philippines’ most widely used ancient scripts, as used in the Laguna Copperplate (shown in the photo) codifying the payment of a certain debt.Stemming from the Tagalog word “baybay,” meaning “to spell,” archaeological and historical records suggest that the Baybayin was used between the 14th to 16th centuries, coinciding with the Filipinos’ active trade with their Malaysian and Indonesian neighbors, who were then using the Kawi script. The emergence of the Baybayin and Kawi scripts testify to maritime Southeast Asia’s interactions with Indian traders as both scripts appear to descend from the Brahmic or Indic script, a script widely used in India during the reign of Emperor Ashoka.As of this writing, only four indigenous groups are known to be using this script (Brookes, 2021; Griffiths, 2018; Hartmann, 1986; Kuipers & Bhaskararao, 2003; Postma, 1992; Wade, 1993). Text by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
“The term mataw refers to the method of hook-and-line fishing for dorado (Coryphaena hippurus) and to the fisher using this method” (Mangahas, 2008, p. 380).“Traditionally in Batanes the mataw method of fishing has a collective aspect: before the fishing season begins fishers must first get together to “make the port” (Mayvanuvanua). Presently there are only four mataw ports or vanua in Batan Island: Chanpa-n, Manichit, Maratay, and Diora, located on the Valugan (roughly the east) side of Batan Island” (ibid.). “By making the vanua (Mayvanuvanua), the mataw transform the vanua, which is a natural geological feature of the landscape, into a sacred and sensitive place” (ibid., p. 380-382). Text submitted by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
“The general term for cooperative work among the Ivatan is payuhwan, wherein the group extends or rotates the cooperative work to its members. The sound of the vudyadong or Triton’s trumpet shell signals the start and end of the cooperative work and the time to rest among the payuhwan” (Tabios, 2020). “In case one member cannot attend the payuhwan on the scheduled date, the member must send a representative or substitute” (ibid.), reflecting the community's deeply rooted regard for harmony and unity. Text submitted by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
The Kankana-eys, an indigenous group from the northern Philippines, resort to a sharing system called solbeg.As the baknang (a member of a wealthy household) entrusts one cattle head to his/her caretaker, the latter ensures that the cattle head produces three offspring: two of which, along with the original head, are given back to the baknang, while the remaining head is to be kept by the caretaker.Through the solbeg sharing system, the baknang and the caretaker share in the responsibility of growing more cattle (Bagamaspad and Pawid 1985), benefitting their respective families and the community. Text by Raizel Albano, Founder and Director of Anthro on Foot Audio Walking Tours
The tongtong is the primary justice system used by indigenous communities in the Cordillera Administrative Region in the Philippines for conflict resolution. With customary laws serving as its basis, the tongtongan (or the “council of elders”) serves as judges, mediators, and counselors.As outlined by Rice (1974), the tongtongan follows these basic principles: (1) Judgment is immediate, final, and executory; (2) All hearings are held in public; (3) Restoration is immediate and accomplished through a celebration involving the entire community; (4) The kin of the guilty party is involved in the payment of fines, while the kin of the offended party is the recipient of a portion of the fine; and, (5) Pig, which is a portion of the fine, is butchered for the celebration.After settlement, a member of the tongtongan pours water on both parties’ hands to symbolize the cleansing of past hurts. They also drink tapey/tapuey/tapuy, a traditional rice wine, from the same glass, to embody friendship and camaraderie from he
“Cañao is a festival or ceremony, a liturgy or service, a rite or ritual and offering. It is a celebration for productive economic activities where animals are offered in thanksgiving known as Iya-ey (the term used among the Kankana-eys). Th(i)s is also done during marriages, healing, birth, burial, and voyage where prayer plays a significant role. They invoke spirits with offerings of animals, food, and other material things prescribed by (local) priests” (Igorot Cordillera BIMAAK Europe, 2013).“Dancing is also part of Cañao. There is this two-person dance of a man and a woman. The man hangs blankets woven in an indigenous pattern or design over each shoulder while the woman wraps a single similar blanket around her waist. The man leads the woman, and they dance in a circular motion with a hop-skip tempo to the beat of sticks and gongs. The dancing continues until a member of the audience decides to honor the dancers with a shout, “Ooo wag, Hoy! Hoy,” ending the dancing" (ibid.).Text submitted by Raizel Alba
Mangejing is one of the most significant socio-cultural rituals of the Marapu Indigenous Religion community of Kanatang district, East Sumba, East Nusa Tenggara Province, Indonesia. This ritual used to be undertaken on an annual basis synchronised to the agricultural harvest, but in recent decades has only been performed around once every decade. Mangejing takes place over a period of one week and at a series of set locations which have historic and religious significance in and around a clan village. Although many aspects of the event are undertaken by specialists in oral tradition, music, song and ritual, the entire village and representatives from surrounding clans also take part. Mangejing incorporates a wide range of intangible and tangible cultural expressions including ritual parallel speech, song, music, dance, traditional games, weaving, carving, goldsmithing and the performative aspects of ritual. Marapu ritual specialist Umbu Timbu Wohangara explains the purpose of the ritual: “There are several re
Angkuoch (Cambodian Jew's Harp)
Although the musical instrument popularly known as the “Jew’s Harp” is found in many countries around the world, the Cambodian version is unique. Called Angkuoch, it is a precious part of Cambodia’s living cultural heritage.Nowadays, Angkuoch and its associated practices require urgent safeguarding actions. Due to social and cultural shifts in Cambodia over the last half-century, including the devastation of the Khmer Rouge era in the 1970s, only a handful of people still know how to make and play Angkuoch. In Cambodia, Angkuoch is (or has been) found in several provinces both among the majority Khmer people and some ethnic minorities.Angkuoch was once a popular local pastime in village communities. Traditional social functions for playing Angkuoch include as a rural pastime, young men, and to accompany simple folk songs. Players and makers of Angkuoch are typically men, though there appear to be no cultural restrictions on women playing or making the instruments.There are at least three types of Cambodian An
Etëtung (Vanuatu Women's Water Music)
Etëtung, known in English as Vanuatu Women’s Water Music, is a sonically and visually striking performance tradition that is found in several communities in the Pacific Island nation of Vanuatu. Standing in a circle or semi-circle in waist-deep water, the women rhythmically slap the surface of the water using a variety of hand techniques that create a diversity of sounds. These sounds reflect those in the natural local environment – the call of a particular species of bird, for example, an oncoming cyclone, or waves over the reef at low tide. Contemporary Etëtung performances often comprise a handful of “pieces” each lasting a minute or two (though this depends on performance context and function). Typically, each piece features a distinct rhythm (or set of rhythms) accompanied by a simple chanted or intoned melodic phrase. One community whose practice of Etëtung as become particularly renowned is that of Leweton village, on the island of Espiritu Santo. Since the founding in 2008 of the cultural tourism ente
UNESCO Chair on ICH in Public and Global Governance
The new UNESCO Chair on ICH in Public and Global Governance, that will take place on the 14th of March, between 10.30-16.30 Paris time at the Univeristy of Poland.Join us on March 14, 2024, at 10.00 am CET for the official opening of the UNESCO Chair on Intangible Cultural Heritage in Public and Global Governance at the University of Warsaw! Live online transmission available: https://uw-edu-pl.zoom.us/j/93960338860Led by Prof. Hanna Schreiber, this Chair aims to explore effective, ethical, and sustainable governance of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). From oral traditions to traditional craftsmanship, ICH shapes our cultural identity and fosters social cohesion. Join us as we delve into its importance and challenges.Learn more about the event at ichgovernance.com. Let's celebrate and preserve our cultural diversity together! UNESCOChair #HeritageWeek #CulturalDiversity
7th National Ring Fight Championship 2023
This is Tadem Ravi Kumar Founder & President Ring Fight Game our game is a Culture and sports Traditional game in Telangana state , India
2024 JIAPICH Application Opening
The forthcoming autumn will witness Jeonju City serving as the venue for the 2024 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH). This distinguished international award ceremony was instituted to commend individuals or organizations that have demonstrated exemplary leadership in the preservation and promotion of intangible cultural heritage on a global scale. The inaugural JIAPICH took place in 2019, and the imminent event represents its sixth iteration. The primary objective is to acknowledge the selfless contributions of individuals across all domains of intangible cultural heritage and stakeholder in the world's heritage.Here are the Key Dates for 2024: January 1, 2024: Download application forms through the official webpage (jiapich,org) January 30, 2024: Application workshop (open to all, zoom link provided below) February 1, 2024: Commencement of application submission April 30, 2024: Deadline for application submission August 1, 2024: Announcement of 2024 JIAPICH Fina
Newly elected ICH NGO Forum Executive Board members and officers
Dear NGO members,The Electoral Board is pleased to announce the newly elected ICH NGO Forum Executive Board members and officers. As you know, In compliance with the Electoral Rules, the elections this year were aimed at electing members for three electoral regions (Eastern Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean, and Arab States).The newly elected ICH NGO Forum Executive Board memebers and officers are:(1) Ms. Tamara Nikolić Đerić, Association House of Batana, Croatia. Group II, Eastern Europe: Term 2023 -2025 (re-elected)(2) Ms. Irina Ruiz, Fundación INDICRI, Panama. Group III, Latin America and the Caribbean: Term 2023 -2025(3) Mr. Bachirou Njoya, Fondation Princesse Momafon Rabiatou NJOYA, Cameroon. Group V(a), Africa: Term 2023 -2024 (4) Mr. Mohamed Lemine Beidjeu, Association Mauritanienne pour les traditions popularies, Mauritania. Group V(b), Arab states: Term 2023 -2025 (re-elected)The complete list of Executive Board members is as follows:(1) Ms. Tamara Nikolić Đerić, Association House of Batana,
Declaration on Climate Change (Final)
Dear Accredited NGO,The members of the Working Group on ICH, Climate Change and the Environment are pleased to present and invite you to vote online for the Kasane Declaration on the Safeguarding, Promotion and Mobilization of Intangible Cultural in the face of Climate Change and Biodiversity Loss. The Working Group was formed after the ICH NGO Forum symposium organized at 17COM in Rabat, Morocco, in December 2022, and it has prepared this Declaration as part of its mission.The Working Group is made up of 14 members from all regions of the world. It has worked intensively on the Declaration since September of 2023, organizing more than a dozen online meetings. It has also consulted the ANGO’s and legal experts. Two blast emails were sent to all ANGOs to solicit comments, additions and modifications. Furthermore, it posted the Declaration on the ICH NGO Forum website and on the ICH Net website, and invited all ANGOs to an online meeting on November 27 th . The reaction has been enthusiastic and positive. The m
Application Form for 2024 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH) Open Starting Jan. 1st
Dear ICH Community,The application form for the 2024 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH) will open on January 1st, 2024. The JIAPICH is celebrating its 6th edition this year, the JIAPICH is the only international ceremony recognizing exemplary efforts in the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage.Individuals, organizations, local communities, experts, administrators, researchers, and NGOs promoting exemplary intangible cultural heritage conservation/preservation activities on a global scale, regardless of nationality, ethnicity, religion, race, age, gender, and other political, social, economic, and cultural preferences, are eligible for recognition.The detailed schedule for the 2024 Jeonju World Intangible Heritage Awards is as follows:January 1st: Application form download is open through the jiapich.org websiteFebruary 1st: Application submission (via website, email)April 31st: Application deadlineJune 1st: Public verification of awardeesJuly 1st: Awardees
2023 Botswana Declaration on Climate Change ICHNGO Forum Working Group Poster (Editing Process)
This is a call for the ICH NGO community to help in the editing process of the Poster that is scheduled to be presented during the 18COM at Kasane, Botswana. The following is the direction from the ICHNGO Forum Working Group on Climate Change on how to edit the poster:I am sharing with you the link of the collective poster that will be printed in A0 size.I inserted: 2023 Cresta Mowana Resort, Kasane, Botswana Declaration." as requested.As soon as we have a link on the web, I will be able to generate the QR for this collective poster. ICHNGO WorkingGroup Draft - COLLECTIVE POSTER An editable Template with the locked Colombian example to follow your examples in a similar way. ICH NGO WorkingGroup DRAFT Template - SOLO POSTERYou don't need to download the file. Just duplicate the page and the changes will be automatically saved in the same file. The idea is to keep all the pieces ready on the cloud to distribute them on the ICH NGO FORUM website and on the social networks of each organization. Remember to incl
Dear Colleagues,We are pleased to send you the attached program for the entire week of ICH NGO Forum events in Botswana, including the symposium, side events and General Assembly. Please note that the program for the symposium and poster sessions is a preliminary program, subject to additional confirmations that are received within the next two days and can be accommodated in the final program. The final program will be sent to you by Thursday, November 30th 2023. If you submitted a proposal, please look carefully at the attached preliminary program. If you are listed as doing an oral presentation or poster please check to see if the title and organizational affiliation is correct and whether you are correctly listed as doing an oral presentation in person or on Zoom. If this information is not correct or not indicated, please correct it and add any other additional information. Please kindly remember to email the PowerPoint for an oral presentation to cholponai.ug@gmail.com no later than Wednesday, November
To mark the 20th anniversary of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage, and to expand accredited NGOs’ foundational works, the Executive Board of ICH-NGO Forum, in association with Mali’s Permanent Delegation to UNESCO will present a Symposium and Poster Sessions alongside the 18thIntergovernmental Committee (IGC) meetings in Kasane, Botswana exploring the past, present and future of safeguarding collaborations involving multiple stakeholders. Proposals are welcome from NGOs, State Parties, ICH NGO Forum Working Groups, community-based ICH bearers and practitioners, researchers and cultural heritage program administrators. The ICH NGO Forum is reaching beyond its membership of accredited NGOs in order to advance and foster dialogue among both State and Non-State actors during the 18th IGC meetings and stimulate greater collaboration and teamwork that speak to the future of the larger implementation of Article 18 within the sustainable implementation of the 2003 Con
Dear accredited NGOs and members of the ICH NGO Forum, I am writing to let you know that the English and French versions of the Draft Declaration are now available.Please find attached files, (ENG-FR) of the Draft Declaration on the Safeguarding, Promotion, and Mobilization of ICH in the Face of Climate Change that was drafted by the Working Group on ICH, Climate Change and the Environment and submitted to the Executive Board for consideration and comments. The Executive Board has now endorsed it and has asked us to circulate it to all accredited NGOs for further comments, additions and suggested changes. Please send your comments, if you have any, by Tuesday, 28 November to the following: Sekou BERTE, Chair of the Executive Board of the ICH NGO Forum; Laurier Turgeon, Chair of the Working Group; Lubna Marium, Secretary of the Working Group: malicultureareas@gmail.com; laurier.turgeon@hst.ulaval.ca; kanchendzonga@gmail.com). Accredited NGOs will also have a chance to comment on the Declaration at Kasane duri
Draft of the Declaration on the Safeguarding of ICH in the Face of Climate Change || Projected KASANE 18.COM ICH NGO FORUM'S GENERAL ASSEMBLY ITEM
Dear accredited NGOs and members of the ICH NGO Forum, Please find attached the Draft Declaration on the Safeguarding, Promotion, and Mobilization of ICH in the Face of Climate Change that was drafted by the Working Group on ICH,Climate Change and the Environment and submitted to the Executive Board for consideration and comments. The Executive Board has now endorsed it and has asked us to circulate it to all accredited NGOs for further comments, additions and suggested changes. Please send your comments, if you have any, by Monday, 27 November to the following: Sekou BERTE, Chair of the Executive Board of the ICH NGO Forum;Laurier Turgeon, Chair of the Working Group;Lubna Marium, Secretary of the Working Group:malicultureareas@gmail.com laurier.turgeon@hst.ulaval.cakanchendzonga@gmail.com side eventAccredited NGOs will also have a chance to comment on the Declaration at Kasane during the side eventthe WG is organizing on Tuesday 5 December 18h00. The revised and updated version of the Declarationwill be pres
Kimchi / Kimjang
Kimchi, a fermented vegetable dish in Korean cuisine, symbolizes the country's identity and heritage, showcasing the importance of cultural preservation. Apart from its rich cultural significance, kimchi is also prized for its nutritional value, abundant in vitamins A and C, and beneficial bacteria from fermentation, promoting gut health. Kimjang, the communal tradition of making and sharing kimchi before winter, fosters community unity and cooperation, reinforcing the significance of food in nurturing social bonds and preserving cultural practices.
Ssireum, Korean traditional wrestling, holds several meanings and importances within Korean culture. It embodies a rich historical legacy, promoting physical strength, discipline, and camaraderie. Beyond its physical aspects, Ssireum symbolizes the preservation of Korean heritage and serves as a medium for fostering a sense of national identity and pride. As a sport deeply rooted in tradition, it promotes sportsmanship, cultural exchange, and a strong sense of community, emphasizing the values of respect and perseverance. Furthermore, Ssireum plays a role in promoting health and well-being, encouraging a balanced lifestyle and the pursuit of physical fitness.
Tango, originating from the working-class neighborhoods of Buenos Aires and Montevideo in the late 19th century, carries multiple meanings and holds significant importance:Cultural expression: Tango serves as a powerful cultural expression of the Argentine and Uruguayan people, reflecting their history, struggles, and emotions. It embodies the fusion of various cultural elements, including African, European, and indigenous influences, making it a symbol of cultural diversity and identity.Social significance: Tango has historically been a dance of the people, originating in marginalized communities and providing a form of emotional expression and connection. It has served as a way to break social barriers and create a sense of community among people from diverse backgrounds.Artistic form: Tango is not just a dance but also a musical genre, comprising intricate rhythms, melodies, and poetic lyrics. It has become a celebrated art form globally, appreciated for its passionate and evocative expression, both in its
"Arirang" is one of the best-known traditional folk songs of South Korea, representing a symbolic and cultural hallmark of the country. The song holds deep historical and emotional significance for the Korean people. "Arirang" is used musically to express themes of longing, separation, pain, and hope, resonating with Koreans as an embodiment of their homeland and collective sentiments.The song has also been employed during Korea's independence movement and, post the Korean War, as a symbol of hope for reunification. Consequently, "Arirang" plays a vital role in providing emotional solace and fostering a sense of unity while evoking profound emotions about their homeland and history. Koreans use this song to share their feelings about their homeland, family, love, and aspirations.Furthermore, "Arirang" is considered a significant representation of Korean culture. The song serves to preserve and propagate traditional music and folklore, playing a crucial role in strengthening Korea's cultural identity and intro
Korean Hanji, also known as Hanji or Korean traditional paper, is a unique and culturally significant material that has played a central role in Korean history, art, and craftsmanship for centuries. It is made from the inner bark of the paper mulberry tree (Morus alba), which is native to Korea. Hanji is renowned for its exceptional durability, texture, and versatility, and it holds a special place in Korean culture for several reasons.Historical Significance: Hanji has a long and storied history in Korea, dating back over a millennium. The paper-making tradition in Korea predates the invention of printing, and Hanji was used for a wide range of purposes, including writing, painting, calligraphy, and preserving important documents. This historical significance has made it a symbol of Korean heritage.Cultural Heritage: Hanji is deeply intertwined with Korean culture. Its production and use are closely associated with Korean traditions and customs, including the making of traditional clothing (hanbok), umbrella
2023 Elections : Executive Board Call for Candidates for the Executive Board
Dear NGO members,The Electoral Board is pleased to launch the call for candidates for the election of four members to the ICH NGO Forum Executive Board.In compliance with the Electoral Rules, the elections this year are aimed at electing members for three electoral regions(Eastern Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean, and Arab States). Because the mandate of the member representing Africa finishes this year,an election will be held on an exceptional bases for Africa for a one-year term.The Electoral Board calls all interested accredited NGOs to submit their candidature in accordance with the electoral rules and guidelines attached.Applications shall be submitted no later than October 20, 2023 (Midnight, Western European Time, UTC+1), to the members of the Electoral Board listed below, using the application form attached duly completed and including a one- or two-page curriculum vitae outlining ICH related experiences and one paragraph on Objective/Agenda/Statement of Purpose for applying for candidature.We
Dear members of the ICH NGO Forum
Dear members of the ICH NGO Forum,The Electoral Board is pleased to present the list of the eligible candidates for the 2023 elections of the Intangible Cultural Heritage NGO Forum Executive Board, for the following seats:Eastern Europe; Latin America and the Caribbean, and Arab States.Because the mandate of the member representing Africa will be finished this year, an election is held on an exceptional base to elect a member from Africa for a one-year term.We would like to thank all the candidates for their interest and participation.Candidates will be allotted a 10 minute period to present themselves and their NGOs, as well as the contribution they wish to make to the Executive Board, during a meeting scheduled with the members of the Forum on Monday 4 December between 6:00 pmand 8:00 pm in a section reserved for the NGOs located in the………(to be determined).The session will be chaired by the members of the Electoral Board.Presentations will be accessible through Zoom, recorded and made available on the Foru
Chief of the Living Heritage Entity (Culture)
UNESCO seeking to fill a vacancy position of Chief of the Living Heritage Entity (Culture) 1. OVERVIEWPost Number: CLT 338Grade: P-5Parent Sector: Culture Sector (CLT)Duty Station: ParisJob Family: CultureType of contract: Fixed TermDuration of contract: 2 yearsRecruitment open to: Internal and external candidatesApplication Deadline (Midnight Paris Time): 29-SEP-2023 (EXTENDED)UNESCO Core Values: Commitment to the Organization, Integrity, Respect for Diversity, Professionalism • OVERVIEW OF THE FUNCTIONS OF THE POSTThe Living Heritage Entity (CLT/LHE) is responsible for the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible CulturalHeritage. It supports efforts to safeguard intangible cultural heritage, ensures respect for the intangible cultural heritage of the communities,groups and individuals concerned, and raises awareness of the importance of the intangible cultural heritage. The Entity supports the governancemechanisms of the Convention, develops periodic reporting and
Zaouli - The History Of The Zaouli Dance Of Côte d'Ivoire
The Zaouli dance is a traditional mask dance from Côte d'Ivoire, West Africa. It is performed by the Guro people and is an essential part of their cultural heritage. The dance features an ornate wooden mask with a highly stylized representation of a beautiful woman's face, adorned with a tall headdress and intricate detailing.Zaouli is typically performed at various social and religious ceremonies, such as weddings, funerals, and festivals. The dancer, often dressed in vibrant, flowing attire, moves with incredible grace and agility, imitating the mask's elegant features and expressions. The dance involves intricate footwork, rapid spins, and rhythmic hand claps accompanied by traditional music, including drums and percussion instruments.Zaouli is not only a form of entertainment but also a means of passing down cultural stories and preserving the Guro people's traditions. The dance has gained international recognition for its artistic beauty and cultural significance, making it an integral part of Ivorian he
CALL FOR APPLICATIONS FOR FUNDING TOACCREDITED NGOS IN SITUATIONS OF CRISES(La version française suit / French version follows)The ICH NGO Forum launched a fundraising campaign last year to assist accredited ICH NGOs (ANGOs)impacted by emergency situations. A growing number of NGOs and communities are being struck by naturaldisasters, climate change (floods, cyclones, mud slides, heat waves, forest fires, drought), armed conflict(destruction of physical ICH spaces, mortality, forced migration, loss of ICH practices) and other crisis situations.It appears to be increasingly certain these situations will increase over time.Thanks to generous donors, the Forum’s Fundraising Committee is pleased to announce that it will provide twodonations of up to 500 euros each this year to ANGOs impacted by natural disasters and armed conflict to assistthem in their recovery. Accredited NGOs located in any country in the world experiencing situations of crisis areeligible to apply. The range of situations defined as emergency
Call for officers for the 2023 ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board (French version follows / La version française suit) The ICH NGO Forum has opened a call for officers to sit on the 2023 ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board. Applications must be submitted before 10 August 2023 midnight (Eastern Daylight Time, EDT). The Executive Board invites applications only from electoral regions that are not up for elections this year, that is Western Europe and North America, and Asia-Pacific. The ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board is responsible for organizing and overseeing elections for the ICH NGO Forum’s Executive Board, which take place during the annual sessions of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The next meeting, 18.COM, will be held in Kasane, Botswana from 4 to 9 of December 2023. According to the Electoral Rules adopted at the Extraordinary General Assembly of 2 November 2022: a. Candidates must not belong to the regions subject to election; b. Candidates must be propos
Call for officers for the 2023 ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board
Call for officers for the 2023 ICHNGO Forum Electoral Board(French version follows / La version française suit)The ICH NGO Forum has opened a call for officers to sit on the 2023 ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board.Applications must be submitted before 10 August 2023 midnight (Eastern Daylight Time, EDT). TheExecutive Board invites applications only from electoral regions that are not up for elections this year,that is Western Europe and North America, and Asia-Pacific.The ICH NGO Forum Electoral Board is responsible for organizing and overseeing elections for the ICHNGO Forum’s Executive Board, which take place during the annual sessions of the IntergovernmentalCommittee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The next meeting, 18.COM, will beheld in Kasane, Botswana from 4 to 9 of December 2023.According to the Electoral Rules adopted at the Extraordinary General Assembly of 2 November 2022:a. Candidates must not belong to the regions subject to election;b. Candidates must be proposed by an Accr
Le Festival Les Cultures du Monde à Gannat (03), un espace de promotion du patrimoine vivant.
Chaque été à Gannat, le Festival Les Cultures du Monde, un espace de promotion du patrimoine vivant.Depuis sa création en 1974, le Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat valorise chaque été le patrimoine culturelimmatériel (PCI) en invitant différents groupes praticiens, gardiens ou détenteurs de ce patrimoine vivant.Lors de la 49ème édition du festival cette année, vous découvrirez : l’art mongol du chant Khoomei, la Calligraphie arabe, le Chamamé argentin, l'uilleann piping irlandais, la pratique de la Cabrette et le Maloya. https://www.lesculturesdumonde.org/vivez-le-festival.html
Les rencontres de Gannat 2023... un espace de célébration autour du patrimoine vivant.
En 2023, l’Association Nationale Cultures du Monde, ONG partenaire officielle de l’Unesco, offrira dans le cadre du 49 Festival Les Cultures du Monde de Gannat une place centrale à la célébration du 20e anniversaire de la Convention Unesco pour la sauvegarde du Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (2003). Il s'agira d'un moment de dialogue pour les acteurs et les structures invitées, locales, nationales et internationales, associations et ONG, qui partagent le même objectif, la mise en œuvre de la convention.Un programme de débats, de conférences et de tables rondes auxquels participeront les différentes structures et acteurs culturels invitées parmi lesquelles :• L'Observatoire régional du Carnaval Guyanais• L’ONG TOWARA de Bénin• La Maison des cultures du monde - Centre français du patrimoine culturel immatériel (MCM-CFPCI)• L’Association Île du Monde• L’Agence des Musiques des Territoires d'Auvergne (AMTA)• Le Conseil international des organisations de festivals de folklore et d'arts traditionnels (CIOFF Interna
Discover the Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH)/Patrimoine Culturel Immatériel (PCI): a celebration of our living heritage!
To shed light on these cultural treasures, we are thrilled to announce the upcoming release of a captivating video series. Titled "ICH, what is it ?",“PCI, qu’es aquò ?” This series invites you to dive into these vibrant traditions, explore heartfelt testimonials from community representatives and experts, and immerse yourself in striking illustrative imagery. Each video showcases elements of the Intangible Cultural Heritage listed on UNESCO's Representative List, as well as elements found in the ICH inventory in France. Our aim is to raise awareness among the general public about the value and significance of this living heritage, while igniting your curiosity and interest in these unique practices.The popularization videos produced as part of the "ICH, what is it ?",“PCI, qu’es aquò ?” program, videos are freely available online through social media platforms. These videos serve as awareness-raising tools to introduce cultural diversity in a simple manner and promote respect and understanding among communi
Kaustinen ICH Seminar 2023 Building peace with intangible cultural heritage – preparedness, response and recovery
Finnish Folk Music Institute in collaboration with Kaustinen Folk Music Festival organizes a seminar on building peace with intangible cultural heritage on Saturday 15th of July 2023 at 11.00–14.45 at Folk Art Centre, Kaustinen. In the seminar the role of ICH in times of emergency and armed conflict is reflected on from various viewpoints. How can heritage communities prepare for emergencies, how can living heritage be safeguarded in the midst of war and what role has safeguarding ICH in the recovery and reconciliation work on conflict devastated societies? How are regional and national identities jeopardized and used and misused in wars and social unrest?In the seminar examples of peace work in the field of ICH are presented in means of music and talks from Colombia, Ukraine, Hungary, Lithuania, Poland and Finland. The 2003 Convention’s work on Operational principles and modalities for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage in emergencies offers the common thread to the discussions. The mission of the sem
What do architecture, visual and performing arts have in common, crafts, film, design, literature, literature, sport, games and toys, fashion, music, software, and video games? Creativity, the value generated by intellectual property and called the creative economy.In our online training, we will teach you how to identify the creative assets in your creative assets in your locality.You will learn how to draw up a detailed inventory using the UNESCO methodology. We will teach you how to identify risks and how to mitigate them.We will provide you with practical tools to create tourism experiences experiences with your local creative assets and attract more visitors. more visitors.This training is to share what's behind successful tourism and creativity successful tourism and creativity initiatives around the world, the most common obstacles, planning planning and process mistakes, as well as the good use of social media, digital marketing and of social media, digital marketing and other tools to help you to be
2023 JIAPICH Application Open for Download
Dear ICH Community,On behalf of Jeonju City, we welcome the international ICH community to apply for the 2023 Jeonju ICH award, JIAPICH (Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage). The 2023 JIAPICH is in it's 5th year and it is open to all individuals or groups that are involved in the promotion, safeguarding, and transmission of ICH around the world.The Secretariat of the JIAPICH is planning for many events for the 5th annual JIAPICH. On March 1, the 2023 JIAPICH applications are open for download on the jiapich.org website. The submission time period is from April 1 through May 31.As the JIAPICH is the only award in the world for the ICH community, Jeonju city is honored to be the guiding beacon of light for the international community. The Awards have reached a total of 70 countries and awarded 12 ICH bearers and NGOs around the world.Please visit jiapich.org for more details.Best,The Secretariat of the 2023 Jeonju ICH award (JIAPICH)
ICH NGO Forum , The 17th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee
17COM November 27, 2022 The 17th UNESCO Intergovernmental Committee was held at the Sofitel Hotel in Rabat, Morocco, for six days from November 28 to December 3, 2022. At the entrance to the conference hall was a large flag of the Commission, which forms the Intergovernmental Committee on the Protection of Intangible Heritage. It was a valuable place to share various activities such as intangible heritage protection activities and improvement plans between countries. One of the things that gets the most attention from the Intergovernmental Committee will be the new listing of the UNESCO Intangible Heritage List. Before the committee was held, a total of 46 applications were submitted for listing on the representative list, of which 31 were recommended for listing, 14 were requested for supplementation, and one was impossible. Thirty-nine of them were registered at the committee site. Some intangible heritage sites had a tense debate.
Full programme of the ICH NGO Forum for 17COM
PROGRAMME ICH NGO Forum Activities 17COM 2022Seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural HeritageSection of Ballroom, Sofitel Hotel, 450 Quartier Aviation, Rabat, MoroccoSunday, 27 November to Saturday 3 December (The schedule is indicated in Rabat time, UTC+1, same as Central European Time, CET, UTC +1)Zoom link for online participation during the entire week:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81821818235?pwd=Y0ZnUjZtRCtraVcyT2RRWTd0WWZiUT09ID of meeting : 818 2181 8235 Secret Code : 043359 Sunday, 27 November, 2022 10:00 to 11:50 AMPresentations of projects by recently accredited NGOsChairs: Tamara Nikolić Đerić, Association House of Batana (Croatia), and Sekou Berte, Mali Cultural Heritage Agency (Mali) 10:00 to 10:40 AMPaulina Adamska and Urszula Szwed, Serfenta (Poland)Susanne Verburg and Mark Schep, Dutch Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage (Netherlands)Chloé Battistolo, L’Institut national des métiers d’art français (France)Ahmet Akcan and Sona T
Traditonal Korean Performance captured through immersive digital content- Jeokbyeokga by Yun Jin-cheol
This service is the result of a collaboration between the Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS) and Korea Electronics Technology Institue (KETI) to carry out <3D performances of traditional Korean heritage performances and development of XR service platform technology>. This project is supported by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Korea. The research aims to provide immersive content for traditional performances through high-quality digital data archiving, based on performances in the field, creating 3D performance and XR service platform technology development for the preservation of the original form of traditional performances and the creation of new non-face-to-face inventory services. The key elements of this research are 1) multi-sensor-based high-quality 3D data acquisition device for performers, 2) AI-based performance site high-quality 3D performance generation system, 3) digital archiving-based interactive XR service platform, which digitizes all performance elements of tr
The seventeenth session (17COM) of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will be hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat (Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses) from 28 November to 3 December 2022.H.E. Mr Samir Addahre, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Kingdom of Morocco to UNESCO, will chair this annual gathering which will be attended by representatives of States Parties, non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions and other stakeholders from across the globe. Participants are invited to register as soon as possible and in any case before 14 November 2022.General information for this session will be published on this webpage. An information and exchange meeting was held on 4 October 2022 at UNESCO Headquarters.The working documents of the meeting will be published on this webpage by 31 October 2022.https://ich.unesco.org/en/17com
Launch of a Fund to Assist Intangible Cultural Heritage NGOs and Communities in Situations of Crises
Launch of a Fund to Assist Intangible Cultural Heritage NGOs and Communities in Situations of Crises Please click on this link to donate: <a href="https://gofund.me/431b7e64">https://gofund.me/431b7e64</a> The ICH NGO Forum is the membership organization of NGOs that are accredited to UNESCO’s 2003 Convention for Safeguarding Intangible Cultural Heritage. It operates, among other things, as a networking organization among NGOs most of whom operate on the ground working with local communities that are the bearers of this heritage and for whom it is often essential for their livelihoods and resilience. The Forum is launching this fundraising campaign to assist accredited ICH NGOs and communities in emergency situations. A growing number of NGOs and communities are being impacted by climate change (floods, cyclones, mud slides, heat waves, forest fires, drought) and armed conflict (destruction of physical ICH spaces, mortality, forced migration, loss of ICH practices), the two being
Seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
The seventeenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will be hosted by the Kingdom of Morocco in Rabat (Sofitel Rabat Jardin des Roses) from 28 November to 3 December 2022. H.E. Mr Samir Addahre, Ambassador and Permanent Delegate of the Kingdom of Morocco to UNESCO, will chair this annual gathering which will be attended by representatives of States Parties, non-governmental organizations, cultural institutions and other stakeholders from across the globe. Participants are invited to register as soon as possible and in any case before 14 November 2022. General information for this session will be published on this webpage. An information and exchange meeting was held on 4 October 2022 at UNESCO Headquarters. The working documents of the meeting will be published on this webpage by 31 October 2022.
The 2022 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (2022 JIAPICH)
As planned this year, the 2022 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (2022 JIAPICH) went successfully. The 2022 JIAPICH Award Ceremony, organized by the Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS), ended successfully on October 19. The winners were the Ms Anka Raik from Bosnia Herzegovina, The Ifugao Museum in the Philippines and The Serfenta Association in Poland. The Winners, intangible heritage Experts, and the general public gathered together at the Korean National Center for Intangible Heritage in Jeonju to share the value of intangible heritage. The video of the award ceremony will be uploaded to the YouTube channel Intangible Cultural Research Institute. https://www.youtube.com/c/CICSinKorea/featured
ICH NGO FORUM - Newsletter
The ICH NGO Forum has the pleasure to announce that the Newsletter is now back with the publication of the first edition of 2022. The Forum remains committed to strengthening the active and meaningful participation of NGOs in the implementation of the 2003 Convention on Intangible Cultural Heritage. Likewise, the Forum would like to inform its membership organizations that the Newsletter is now open to welcome news on shared mutual experiences, key updates that speak to the sustainable founding mission of our Forum. (Sekou Berte, Communication Officier, Steering Committee of the ICH NGO Forum)
Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage 9th General Assembly of States Parties ICH NGO Forum - Seminar 2022 Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security
Over the past year, the ICH NGO Forum has mapped the expertise and safeguarding practices of 85 accredited NGOs across all regions of the world. Speakers at this side event will discuss how they employ ICH to mediate conflicts, build community resilience in crises, mitigate impacts of climate change, support economic wellbeing, improve the lives of women and girls, safety and integration of displaced persons, ensure food security through traditional agricultural practices and help to create a healthy and sustainable environmentProgramme Chair Laurier Turgeon, Folklore Studies Association of Canada, Chair of the ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee Women’s Activities in Maintaining Sustainable Agricultural Practices: The Geochang Cooperatives Hwang Eui Dong, Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS), South Korea Traditional Wisdom in Everyday Life : Supporting Social Transformation Cholponai Usbalieva-Gryshchuk, Aigine Cultural Research Center, Kyrgyzstan Intangible Cultural Heritage in Armed Conflict and Post-
« Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security », to be held on July 5th from 1 :00 to 3 :00 PM on site at the UNESCO headquarters, room 6
Dear Accredited NGOs and Delegates / Chères ONG accréditées et Délégués, You are cordially invited to the seminar on « Good Safeguarding Practices for Human Security », to be held on July 5th from 1 :00 to 3 :00 PM on site at the UNESCO headquarters, room 6, (cold buffet served on site) organized by the ICH NGO Forum during the 9th session of the General Assembly of the State Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, UNESCO Headquarters, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75007 Paris, 5 to 7 July 2022. - Because room 6 cannot accommodate more that 57 people, advanced registration is requested by sending an email to Laurier.Turgeon@hst.ulaval.ca and to rbtbaron@gmail.com as soon as possible and no latter than Sunday 18h00 Paris time. Places will be attributed on a first come first serve bases. Vous êtes cordialement invités à participer au séminaire sur « Les bonnes pratiques de sauvegarde pour la sécurité humaine », le 5 juillet de 13h00 à 15h00 qui se tiendra dans la salle 6 (buffet
Gbofe of Afounkaha, the music of the transverse trumps of the Tagbana community, a cultural heritage in need of safeguarding
Gbofe of Afounkaha holds deep cultural and social significance in Cote d'Ivoire. It serves as a powerful medium for communication, conveying messages of praise, love, satire, mourning, and moral or educational teachings during various rituals and traditional ceremonies. Gbofe plays a vital role in conferring respect for the holders of tradition, fostering cultural unity, peace, and social cohesion among different communities and people. Additionally, it represents a crucial part of the cultural identity of the Tagbana community, preserving their historical narratives, values, and artistic expressions across generations.
Zaouli, cultural heritage of Côte d’Ivoire
The Zaouli dance of Côte d'Ivoire holds deep cultural and social significance, symbolizing various meanings and serving important roles within Ivorian communities. Its meanings and importance can be summarized as follows:Cultural Identity and Heritage: The Zaouli dance embodies the cultural identity and heritage of the communities in Côte d'Ivoire, reflecting their traditional values, beliefs, and practices. It serves as a powerful symbol of the region's rich cultural legacy, connecting the present generation with its historical and traditional roots.Celebration of Femininity and Beauty: The dance is often associated with the celebration of feminine beauty and grace, as it is performed by individuals adorned in elaborate masks and costumes representing idealized concepts of beauty. Through its intricate movements and rhythmic expressions, the Zaouli dance honors the beauty and elegance of women, portraying them as central figures in Ivorian culture.Social Cohesion and Unity: The Zaouli dance fosters social co
Resources for Scholars in Danger (Ukraine)
The American Folklore Society (AFS) has been working with member Iryna Voloshyna to assist colleagues in Ukraine who request cloud storage for backups of field research materials. We presently have over 50 individuals in Ukraine connected to a secure folder within a dedicated storage drive for this work. We've been working this week to expand our capacity for storage and security needs by working with a group of partners on this effort. If you have colleagues in Ukraine who need our support, they can reach out to us on this page: https://americanfolkloresociety.org/afs-condemns-the-war-in-ukraine-and-stands-with-all-who-oppose-this-violence/.On the page listed above are ways individuals can get involved, including donating money to relief orgs and working with host institutions to house refugees. Scholars at Risk is actively seeking host organizations for scholar placement. https://www.scholarsatrisk.org/get-involved-institutions/Some of our partners in our fieldwork backup storage work are at the Ukrainian A
ONLINE EVENT: Apply to the Fund of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the ICH / ÉVÉNEMENT EN LIGNE : Faire une demande au Fonds de la Convention de 2003 pour la sauvegarde du PCI
The Living Heritage Entity presents the online event ‘Apply to the Fund of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage’ which will take place in March 2022. Three information sessions are organized to present the International Assistance mechanism of the 2003 Convention, the modalities and the process of application. In addition, the Toolkit for requesting International Assistance from the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will be presented. This guideline introduces key concepts of the Convention, the criteria for receiving funding and how to plan and monitor projects.To participate, please register for one of the following sessions:· 22 March 2022 from 9:00 to 11:00 (Paris time): Presentation of international assistance for the Asia and Pacific region. Interpretation will be available in French and English. Link to register: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/meeting/register/tJUpde6oqDgjE92Xb9pumsRLX-wb9reH4DHK· 24 March 2022 from
The Fellows of the American Folklore Society webinar, “Interrogating the Normal: Folkloristic Engagements with Disability,”
Folklore and Disability Webinar - March 15th The Fellows of the American Folklore Society will present a webinar, “Interrogating the Normal: Folkloristic Engagements with Disability,” on March 25, 2022, 12:00–2:00 pm EDT. This free webinar is the first in a series of three webinars on the topic of “Interrogating the Normal” and is part of a continuation of the Folklore Talks webinars presented by the AFS Fellows.Folklore opens new vistas for understanding what counts as normal. Studies of disability by folklorists are especially provocative for their critiques of ableism, challenging concepts of cultural competence.Phyllis May-Machunda (Professor Emerita of American Multicultural Studies at Minnesota State University Moorhead) will discuss her experiences as a parent of a child with a disability/illness through the lens of a folklorist and will consider intersections among folklore and disability.Nora Groce (the Cheshire Chair at University College London (UCL)) will consider folklore and disability as import
2022 JIAPICH Application Open for Download
Dear ICH Community, The secretariat of Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH) welcomes the international ICH community to join the 4th annual Jeonju ICH Awards. The awards are open to Living Human Treasures (practitioners), groups, communities, administrators, researchers, NGOs and those who have made substantial contributions for promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. 2022 JIAPICH Plaque(s) & $30,000 USD will be prized to the JIAPICH Finalist(s). The 2022 Jeonju Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage application is open for download at the jiapaich.org website starting February 1. Important Dates:February 1, 2022: Open to download 2022 JIAPICH applicationMarch 1, 2022: Start of the application submissionMay 31, 2022: Submission due date for the applicationAugust 1, 2022: The 2022 JIAPICH Finalists AnnouncedSeptember (dates TBD): The 2022 JIAPICH Awards Ceremony / Zoom ICH Festival Please visit: www.jiapich.org for more information. ---------------------
Publication of the Evaluation of UNESCO’s Action in the framework of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
This second evaluation focussing on the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (hereafter the 2003 Convention) marks the first follow-up exercise to the cycle of Internal Oversight Service evaluations of UNESCO’s six culture conventions. The main purpose of this 2021 evaluation was to generate findings, lessons learned, and recommendations regarding the relevance and effectiveness of UNESCO’s action in the framework of the 2003 Convention.As the second youngest UNESCO Culture Convention, the 2003 Convention has been one of the most successful, not only because it has reached nearly universal ratification only fifteen years after entering into force, but especially because it has succeeded in raising awareness of the distinct nature and importance of intangible cultural heritage. Stakeholders attribute this achievement largely to the Convention’s Representative List as well as to UNESCO’s vast capacity building programme.At the same time, the 2003 Co
CICS Interview Series
The Center for Intangible Culture Studies in Korea's YouTube channel provides contents that are both educational and inspiring to those in the field of heritage studies. The CICS Interview Series was started in 2021 with the idea around recording ICH experts around the world that can be informative to those in research, academia, and with interest in the field of ICH. The latest interviewee is Professor Laurier Turgeon of Lavar University in Quebec, Canada, who is also the president of the steering committee of the 2022 ICH NGO Forum. Check out the interview through YouTube link below! CICS Interview Series: <a href="https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHx4_DBXCKo&t=1574s">https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=iHx4_DBXCKo&t=1574s</a>
The Composition of the new Steering Committee for 2021-2022
Executive positions of the Steering Committee for 2021-2022(from top left to bottow right in the photo):Mr. Martín Andrade- Pérez, Mr. Laurier Turgeon, Mr. Sekou Berte, Mr. Mohammed Mohamed Lemine Beidieu, Ms. Janet Blake, Mr. Robert Baron, and Ms. Tamara Nikolic Deric (on the separate photo). Laurier Turgeon, - President Janet Blake – Vice President Robert Baron – Secretary Martín Andrade- Pérez - Treasurer. Steering Committee 2020 - 2021 Western Europe and North America: Mr. Laurier Turgeon - Folklore Studies Association of Canada (Canada) - President Eastern Europe: Ms. Tamara Nikolic Deric – Association House of Batana (Croatia) Latin America and the Caribbean: Mr. Martín Andrade- Pérez- Erigaie Foundation (Colombia) - Treasurer Asia and the Pacific: Ms. Janet Blake – Persian Garden Institute for Living Heritage - (Islamic Republic of Iran) – Vice President Africa: Mr. Sekou Berte - Mali Cultural Heritage Agency (Mali) -- Responsable for CommunicationsArab States: Mr. Mohammed Mohamed Lemine Beidieu
The results of the third call for Arab States, Eastern Europe and Latin America
The voting for ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee Elections will be held online on December 14 2021 and December 15 until noon Paris time (GMT+1:00).A voting link will be sent to one designated email for each accredited NGO.Please click here to fill up the designated email id for your NGO using an online form. Please complete this before December 13, 2021 08:00 PM Paris time (GMT+ 1:00) Only NGOs who submit email id through this form will get a voting link.The presentation of the candidates for the elections will be held Monday 13 December online at 17h30-19h30 Paris time (GMT+1:00)Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568Passcode: 584051The candidates elected will be announced on Wednesday 15 December during the General Assembly of the ICH NGO Forum, at 17h30-19h30 Paris time (GMT+1:00)Link: https://unesco-org.zoom.us/j/98667893587Passcode: 536809List of candidates and application files:Africa (Group V a):- M. Sekou Berte, Mali Cultural Heritage
2021 Jeonju ICH Awards
Watch the 2021 Jeonju ICH Awards: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6aLNij99bBI&t=1320s Watch the 2021 Jeonju ICH Zoom Festival:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D7lM8VCY4zU&t=289s
2003 Convention: 16.COM Information on registration and election / 16.COM Informations sur les enregistrements et elections
Following my previous message on 3 December last regarding the fully online meeting modality of the upcoming sixteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (13–18 December 2021), I would like to provide further information on the following three aspects:1. Registration for the 16.COM Information and exchange session (10 December 2021)2. Registration for the 16.COM (13 to 18 December 2021)3. Voting by secret ballotShould you have queries, please contact the Secretariat at ichmeetings@unesco.org.Yours sincerely,Tim CurtisSecretary, Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage1. Registration for the 16.COM Information and exchange session (10 December 2021 - 2.00 to 3.00 p.m., Paris time)An Information and exchange session will be held through the Zoom platform on Friday, 10 December 2021 from 2.00 to 3.00 p.m (Paris time). The purpose of the meeting will be to introduce, in the presence of t
Survey on Article 21
Please visit the mentioned site below for the Survey on Article 21:--- English version below ----Chers représentants des ONG accréditées auprès de la Convention de 2003,Nous, membres du groupe de travail ad hoc sur l'article 21 de la section IV des statuts du Forum des ONG du PCI, aimerions vous présenter ci-dessous un bref questionnaire complété par des informations générales pour votre lecture.Lien vers le questionnaire en français : https://forms.gle/XnhPD6dpmHztqVXh8Merci beaucoup pour votre collaboration !---------------------------------------------Dear Representatives of the accredited NGOs to the 2003 Convention,We, members of the Ad hoc working group on Article 21 of Section IV of the ICH NGO Forum Bylaws, would like to present a short questionnaire supplemented by background information for your perusal below.Link to questionnaire in English: https://forms.gle/Pz6DNgqmZroWvHnN9Thank you very much for your collaboration.
Editorial Board Meeting #HeritageAlive Chaired by Eivind Falk (Norwegian Crafts Institute)
https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09 Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568 Passcode: 584051 (All times indicated are Paris time (GMT+1:00) Tuesday 14 December 13h15-14h15 #HeritageAlive Meeting Chaired by Eivind Falk (Norwegian Crafts Institute)
All meetings will be held online. Please find attached the final programme of the ICH NGO Forum activities during the week of the 12th to the 18th of December.PROGRAMME FOR THE ICH NGO FORUM (16COM 2021) The ICH NGO FORUM meetings during 16COM will all be held online.Participants may access the meetings online at their convenience throughout the week by clicking on this Zoom link:https://us02web.zoom.us/j/89211424568?pwd=bGI1NWlkSEIzcnBxWVBPeUw5Wm40dz09 Meeting ID: 892 1142 4568Passcode: 584051(All times indicated are Paris time (GMT+1:00) Saturday 4 December 13h30-18h00Online workshop to present an overview of the 2003 Convention, the role of NGOs, the ICH NGO Forum and the programme and participation at 16COM.The workshop is especially geared to respond to the needs and questions of the newly accredited NGOs, but we welcome all NGOs interested in keeping up with recent developments and wanting first-hand information to better prepare for 16COM.French language session: 13h30-15h00 (Paris time) (Led by Laurie
Dear ICH NGO Forum members, We are writing to inform you that all of the ICH NGO Forum meetings will be held online. The Secretariat of the ICH Convention advised us yesterday of this decision. We are currently revising the programme of activities to adapt it to this new situation. Please be advised that we will maintain all of the planned activities (symposium on Sunday from 1:00 to 4:00 PM Paris time, Monday evening election speeches, AGA on Wednesday, and working group meetings during the week). The only difference is that the time slots may change slightly in order to adapt to the changes in the ICG meeting schedule, which should be sent to us tomorrow. We aim to send you the revised final programme of the ICH NGO Forum meetings as soon as possible, hopefully tomorrow, Friday 3 December. We thank you for your patience and understanding in these challenging times. The Steering CommitteeICH NGO Forum
[ASK-Y] Session 4: Why Can't We Understand Each Other?
November 22, 2021 — Following our previous session, "Why is the Earth Sick? | The New Disruptors: Climate and Environment," Asia Society Korea invites you to the fourth session of our Asia Society Korea Youth (ASK-Y) program on culture, entertainment, and media. Asia Society Korea Executive Director Yvonne Kim invites Bernie Cho, President of DFSB Kollective, Dr. Amareswar Galla, UNESCO Chair on Inclusive Museums and Sustainable Heritage Development at Anant University, and Shinwha Hong, Researcher at the Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS), to discuss culture as a moderating lens for relating to society and the world, and our behavior as individuals and nation-states. Through the lived experiences of global emerging leaders and experts across the cultural heritage and the entertainment industry, we explore the importance of cultural awareness on both micro and macro scales. The ASK-Y session will spotlight the unique role of youth as bridge builders for cultural exchanges and the importance of deep
Call for Candidates for the Steering Committee Only for accredited NGOs
Call for Candidates for the Steering Committee Only for accredited NGOs (French version follows / La version française suit) Dear NGO members, The Electoral Board is pleased to launch the call for candidates for the ICH NGO Forum Steering Committee. The four newly elected members shall represent the regions of Eastern Europe, Africa, Arab States, Latin America and Caribbean. The Electoral Board calls interested accredited NGOs to submit their candidature in accordance with the electoral rules and guidelines attached. Applications shall be submitted no later than November 5, 2021 (Midnight, Eastern Daylight Time), to the members of the Electoral Board listed below, using the application form attached duly completed and including a one or two page curriculum vitae outlining ICH related experiences and one paragraph on Objective/Agenda/Statement of Purpose for applying for candidature. The election will take place online using online voting application on December 13 and December 14, 2021. The results will be an
2019 JIAPICH Finalist- Contact Base of India
2020 JIAPICH Finalist- NGO Impacto of Mexico
2020 JIAPICH Finalist- Mr. Hieu Duc Vu, Director of Muong Cultural Space Museum of Vietnam
2020 JIAPICH Finalist- ASAMA of Burkina Faso
Announcement of the 2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage
Announcement of the 2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage We express our sincere gratitude to all applicants for the 2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. We recognize and deeply appreciate what you and your organizations have achieved with respect to the safeguarding and revitalization of ICH. The selection process was very challenging as all applicants demonstrated good practices for the safeguarding ICH with courage and lofty spirit. Only three applicants (individuals and organizations) were selected as finalists from 44 applicants from 29 countries on six continents. Jeonju City announces the following three finalist candidates for public verification as the final process for the 2021 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. The finalist candidates are as follows: - Mr. Dil Kumar Barahai: Naya of Barahi Da Guthi (Individual: Nepal: Asia-Pacific Region) - El Fèlze (Organization: Italy: Europe-N
Digital ICH Observatory
The Digital ICH Observatory aims to produce: organise and analyse information about e-Inventories of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH). A network to share knowledge and practices about ICH that is on the web. ICH meetings: Global reflection on the ICH listing mechanism July 8-10: 2021 Digital Meetings: Leading the Digital Decade June 1-2: 2021 Digital Heritage Conference: CIDOC 2021: tradition and digital technology September 6-10: 2021 ICH and Memory Call: Call 2021/ MEMORIAMEDIA Review is indexed in ERIH PLUS - the European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences. Click on the link to find out more: https://mailchi.mp/3e937d570673/digital-ich-observatory-newsletter-13743231
Singapore Hawker Culture: A Webinar Series Hawker Culture and Social Spaces in Singapore
Hawker Culture reflects a living heritage that resonates with people from all walks of life in Singapore. In celebration of the successful inscription of Hawker Culture onto the UNESCO Representative List of Intangible Cultural Heritage: the National Heritage Board will be organizing a webinar series on Hawker Culture. This second and final session of the Webinar series explores the relationships between Hawker culture and Social Spaces in Singapore: and how they can play a role in promoting community identity and fostering inter-cultural understanding and appreciation in Singapore's context. Please click on the poster to join the Zoom conference through QR code.
JIAPICH Finalist Colloquium
Dear ICH community: On behlaf of Jeonju City: we are inviting the ICH community to join us for the Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH) Finalist Colloquium. For the the continued growth of the JIAPICH: the Jeonju City invited previous finalists to engage in dialogue with ICH experts and bearers. The JIAPICH Colloquium is scheduled to be held on May 13th: 11 PM Korean Time (GMT+9). For more information please contact cics.center@gmail.com Zoom link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/88595280717 YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC9lAfs9ABS5c08BeoUWb34w Best regards: 2021 JIAPICH Secretariat
INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE for Sustainable Management of HISTORIC TOWNS in South Asia: Theory to Practice
ICOMOS India is orgaising an e-SYMPOSIUM on INTANGIBLE CULTURAL HERITAGE for Sustainable Management of HISTORIC TOWNS in South Asia: Theory to Practice. Spaced across 5 events from May-July2021: experts and emerging professionals from Bangladesh: Bhutan: India: Nepal: Pakistan and Sri Lanka will exchange knowledge and practices. For more details: you may see the video https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wr3tIY76JQA. Please register in advance for this webinar series/event: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZUkcuusqTwvE9GcAUZWGeuE-zrSFgVvGbCz
National Level Seven Hills dance festival
NAMASTHE ;- OUR CULTURAL ORGANISATION SRI SAI NATYANJALI FINE ARTS DEVELOPENNT ASSOCIATION ORGANISED INDIAN ALL TRADITIONAL DANCE: CULTURAL PROGRAMMES LIKE kUCHIPUDI: BHARATANATYAM :MANIPURI: KATHAKKALI: KATHAK:ODISSI: FOLK ETC: NOW WE PLANNINMG NATIONAL LEVEL SEVEN HILLS DANCE FESTIVAL FAMOUS TEMPLE OF LORD SRI VENKATESWARA SWAMY AT THIRUPATHI : CHITTOR DIST OF ANDHRAPRADESH: INDIA: DATES : 26-27 JUNE 2021 History & Legends Associated with the THIRUMALA Temple There are many legends associated with the origin of this age-old temple. The larger than life statue of the main deity is said to have formed on its own: making it one of the eight ‘Swayambhu Kshetras’ (self-manifested image) of Lord Vishnu. Many ancient texts: including the Rig Veda mention the existence and prominence of the temple. Written texts: which are dated back to the Mauryan and Gupta era: refer the temple as ‘Aadhi Varaha Kshetra’. In fact: many other texts and theories link the history of Tirupati Temple to Lord Varaha: one of the t
Art of crafting and playing Mbira/Sansi, the finger-plucking traditional musical instrument in Malawi and Zimbabwe
Khaen music of the Lao people
Announcement of the 3rd annual Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible cultural Heritage (JIAPICH)
Friends of the International ICH community: Greetings: the third annual Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (JIAPICH) has been elaborately prepared and the long-awaited awards ceremony will be held in September 2021. Application forms for both the individual and organization will be open to download at Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (jiapich.org) starting on February 1st: 2021. All applications are to be submitted from March 1st through April 30th: 2021. The prize pool is $30:000 USD and will be distributed among 1~5 teams. There are no costs to the application process. The previous year 2020 JIAPICH had gained positive feedback from our ICH community around the world. Thirty-nine applicants from 27 different countries applied for the awards. Out of the 39 applicants: there were 11 individual and 28 group applications. The 2020 JIAPICH ceremonies were held online: streamed through YouTube: CICS in Korea and the Jeonju City Homepage:
Ripples Festival
In the International Year of Creative Economy for Sustainable Development: banglanatak dot com in association with British Council presents Ripples Festival - a celebration of intangible cultural heritage from January 15th - 17th: 2021. The festival aims to promote heritage education and cultural tourism.The festival also has an online component with webinars: live performances and demonstration of crafts from 4 pm to 5:30 pm (IST) and 10:30 am to 12 pm (GMT). The schedule is as follows: 15th January: 2021: Heritage and Festival – exploring the interlinkages of heritage: tourism and festival16th January: 2021: Heritage and Creative Economy - discussing the role of cultural industries in sustainable development17th January: 2021: Heritage and Resilience – reflecting on the rejuvenation of the creative sector in new normalFor registration visit the link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZwsd-GopjgqE9TjIHEzvdu98z_W-7HRvm3e. The webinar will be streamed live in banglanatakdotcom facebook page.
Reggae groove kicks off 15th Intangible Heritage Committee session online
The warmth of reggae marked the opening on 14 December of the 15th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: chaired by H.E. Ms Olivia Grange: Minister of Culture: Gender: Entertainment and Sport of Jamaica.More than 800 online participants in nearly 140 countries are registered to attend six online sessions chaired from Jamaica with the support of UNESCO’s Secretariat in Paris.During the opening: UNESCO Director-General Audrey Azouley stressed that “intangible heritage is indeed a powerful way of healing the wounds in our societies. This is true for tears in the social fabric; it is also true for the fracture between humanity and nature. (…). Intangible heritage is also a resource that can be used to rise above political disputes: acknowledging the ties between people.” Ms Azoulay ended her address “Because respecting heritage is not only about protecting it; it is also about making it known to future generations. This means ensuring that young peopl
Ala-kiyiz and Shyrdak, art of Kyrgyz traditional felt carpets
Program of activities of the ICH NGO Forum connected to 15.COM on 2-19, December-Including Mini Symposium on ICH and Tourism on 13 December
Program of activities of the ICH NGO Forum connected to 15.COM(Welcome to participate in ICH NGO Forum’s program of activities connected to 15 COM.)* Find the file attached (Program ICH NGO Forum 15 COM)■ ICH & tourism during and after COVID-19 ■Making ICH tourism more sustainable and regenerative in post-pandemic situationsICH-NGO Forum ZOOM Webinar Sunday 13 December 1.30-3.00 pm This symposium will have interpretations service in English-French. During the Intergovernmental Committee Meeting in Bogota it was decided that the ICH-NGO Forum should organize a symposium on ICH & Tourism: a hotly debated topic during the sessions especially in connection with international nominations for the safeguarding lists: in which tourism is included as one of the safeguarding measures. In reports of the Evaluation Body: the danger of ‘over commercialization’ is often mentioned as one of the threats. All the same tourism – and especially sustainable tourism – is often mentioned as indispensable for developing countries:
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 3 November 2020 (13th meeting)
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC): 3 November 2020 (13th meeting)Current issues◼ ICH NGO Conference co-organized by ICHCAP and ICH NGO ForumSakr informed the committee about the ongoing preparation of the conference. Janet Blake accepted to serve as one of moderators. There is a problem to get in touch with an OECD representative from Latin America; Caicedo expects his response by tomorrow. A representative from Amagugu International Heritage Centre should send her full application; Nyathi will mediate concerning this request. The committee agreed that Nömgård would greet the participants at the beginning of the conference. She will also invite Tim Curtis to address the conference participants: and Sakr will provide her with background information. An updated version of the material of the conference has just been published by ICHCAP: and these days it will also be published on our website and through social media; Sakr will contact Desiderio in this regard.◼ Next Newsletter of the ForumThis
The Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention to be held fully ONLINE, from 14 to 19 December 2020
The Intergovernmental Committee of the 2003 Convention to be held fully online: from 14 to 19 December 2020After broad consultations: the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has decided to continue with the organization of the 15th session of the Committee from 14 to 19 December. However: for the first time the session will take place online due to the ongoing global COVID-19 pandemic and related travel restrictions.H.E. Ms Olivia Grange: Minister of Culture: Gender: Entertainment and Sport of Jamaica will conduct the debates during six days between 13:30 and 16:30 (Paris time). The session will keep to a restricted agenda that focuses on listing mechanisms (2020 inscriptions: number of files to be examined in the coming years: establishment of the Evaluation Body for the 2021 cycle): the examination of periodic reports of Urgent Safeguarding List elements: and the date and venue for the 16th session of the Committee. See the working documents inc
2020 ICH NGO Conference to be held on 12-13 November
Safeguarding ICH through resilienceICHCAP and the ICH NGO Forum will hold the online 2020 ICH NGO Conference from 12 to 13 November.Since 2016: the 1st Asia-Pacific NGO Conference held in Jeonju: Korea: has continued biennially. This year: participants will discuss themes involving ‘ICH and Resilience in Crisis’. The conference will facilitate the sharing of experiences by NGOs: B.C. (Before Corona) and A.C. (After Corona) and explore a future direction for safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. Representatives of eleven organizations in the ICH-safeguarding field from ten countries will attend the conference: selected through an application process.A special lecture scheduled for the first day will introduce the topic of Resilience System Analysis: sharing implications of the OECD’s efforts to quantify the qualitative concept of resilience after disasters. Online sessions will also deal with the international discourse on the 2003 Convention in the era of Corona: as well as presentations and discussions
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 14 October 2020 (12th meeting)
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC): 14 October 2020 (12th meeting)Current issues◼ ICH NGO Conference co-organized by ICHCAP and ICH NGO ForumSakr reported about the ongoing preparation of the conference. Caicedo helped her to establish contact with an OECD representative who will be one of keynote speakers. Sakr suggested to the Steering Committee: and members accepted: to invite Matti Hakamäki to present the objectives of the Forum’s working group in-the-making on geographical imbalance of accredited NGOs: as well as to invite additional participants representing African perspectives on ICH and resilience in crisis: such as Nyathi. Nyathi accepted the invitation; he will prepare presentation about indigenous system of knowledge in reference to COVID-19: while Sakr will contact Hakamäki regarding his participation.◼ Next Newsletter of the ForumOnce again: the members of the Steering Committee confirmed for the next Newsletter to be prepared and published before 15.COM. It will include outcome
Webinar on “Crafting Resilience: Craft Communities and their Resilience as Embedded in the Traditional Knowledge: A Critical Component of Intangible Cultural Heritage” organized by ICOMOS India and NSC-Intangible Cultural Heritage
Happy to share about the upcoming webinar “Crafting Resilience: Craft communities and their resilience as embedded in the traditional knowledge: A critical component of intangible cultural heritage” organized by ICOMOS India and NSC-Intangible Cultural Heritage as a part of ICOMOS International webinar series on 31st October’ 2020 from 11 am GMT to 1 pm GMT (4.30 to 6.30 IST). Four case studies from different parts of India with a historic perspective of crafts communities: their confrontation with disasters and the success stories of adaptations and movements of crafts revival across India will be shared Please register in advance at: https://us02web.zoom.us/.../tZYpf-qrpjkpG9Kt55DuM...The webinar will also be streamed live in Facebook page of ICOMOS India https://www.facebook.com/icomosindia
Revitalizing women’s chants of Taroudant, High Atlas of Morocco
In the High Atlas of Morocco: in the town of Taroudant: there is a practise known as Chikhate – singing groups consisting of women who travel from region to region performing chants at important social events and festivities. The chants of the Chikate are renowned for their beautiful harmonies: which are acompanied by a variety of instruments and perfomed to choreographed dances.Gradually: however: modern music and DJ shows have taken the place of Chikhate performances at weddings or social celebrations. To help safeguard their heritage: the remaining groups of performers have decided to revitalize the practise. In collaboration with the Moroccan Association Bhayer Dalya and with the support of the UNESCO Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund: Chikate groups are working to raise awareness among younger generations of their tradition and are preparing an inventory of their chants and verses.Over the last three years: Bhayer Dalya has interviewed the women of Taroudant: who still practice these chants and is traini
2020 Maritime ICH Webinar Series to be Held on 29 and 30 October
ICHCAP (Director-General Gi Hyung Keum): in collaboration with the UNESCO Apia Office: will hold a two-day ICH Webinar Series on Maritime ICH on 29 and 30 October 2020. The theme of the web seminar is “Maritime Living Heritage: Building Sustainable Livelihood and Ecosystems in the Asia-Pacific Region”The webinar is part of the Expert Meeting for Building Network on Maritime ICH: which has been organized by ICHCAP since 2018. It will be held as a webinar due to COVID-19.The Goal 14 of the UN Sustainable Development Goals pertains to the preservation and sustainable use of marine: sea: and marine resources. Recently: there has been growing interest in the use of traditional knowledge from coastal communities to achieve this SDG. Therefore: through this webinar: the audience will be able to explore wisdom for sustainable development through safeguarding the traditional knowledge. In particular: this year is significant as the “UN Decade of Ocean Science for Sustainable Development” will be launched from next yea
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 16 September 2020
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC): 16 September 2020 (11th meeting)Current Issues◼ ICH NGO Conference co-organized by ICHCAP and ICH NGO Forum Sakr is continuously in contact with ICHCAP concerning the online conference “ICH and resilience in crisis: Implication in the Era of B.C. (Before Corona) and A.C. (After Corona)”. The organizers have selected presentations and participants for the conference: and ICHCAP is in contract with all of them. The selection of keynote speakers is in the process: following also the suggestions received from the Steering Committee in August. Besides: the ICHCAP asked the Forum if we can provide a congratulatory message for its 2020 World Forum for ICH in late September: and thus Nömgård sent our greeting in a form of a short video.◼ Next Newsletter of the ForumThe members of the Steering Committee confirmed for the next Newsletter to be preparedand published before 15.COM.◼ Reflection on 8.GA and Forum’s discussion sessions related to itCaicedo provided an ove
Online International Conference on the Craft of the Miller
In 2017: the craft of the miller was the Kingdom of the Netherlands’ first inscription on the Representative List of the UNESCO Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. However: this craft is not unique to the Netherlands. By organising an international online conference: we aim to bring together wind- and watermill parties from all over the world to share knowledge and skills and develop an international network of millers and mill societies. Initially we intended to convene a conference in the Netherlands: but due to COVID-19 it could not take place. We decided not to wait until we can meet in person. Therefore we are organising an online meeting. You find the programme here: https://network.molens.nl/If you are unable to attend this conference but you would like to receive news about future activities: please send an e-mail to: craftofthemiller@molens.nl
Nearly US$500,000 granted to support safeguarding activities in Antigua and Bermuda, Burundi, Egypt, South Sudan and Uruguay
The Intangible Cultural Heritage Fund provides assistance to States Parties in their efforts to safeguard their living heritage. Last September: the Bureau of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage examined International Assistance requests under US$100:000. A total of US$479:994 was granted to implement safeguarding activities in Antigua and Bermuda: Burundi: Egypt: South Sudan and Uruguay:◼ The project Strengthening capacities for the implementation of the 2003 Convention for the safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage in Antigua and Barbuda aims to create the country’s first national inventory of living heritage: enhancing national technical capacities to harvest and interpret related data and improving upon the exchange of information between the public and private sectors as well as civil society. Two pilot safeguarding activities – focusing on the Game of Warri and Traditional Boatbuilding – will be undertaken to trial safeguarding measures and
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 2 September 2020
■ Preparation of statement and programme for 8.GAThe first online discussion session dedicated to 8.GA was held on 1 September via Zoom. Around twenty ICH NGOs took an opportunity to discuss the agenda and documents for 8.GA from the perspective of NGOs: as well as the Forum’s statement for 8.GA. On the basis of the outcomes of the session: the members of the Steering Committee finalized the statement. Since none of the members of the Steering Committee will attend the GA in person: our statement will be presented in a form of a video message: which will be broadcasted on 8 September after the report of the Secretariat on its activities. Besides: the Forum wants to intervene on agenda item 11: related to the reflection on the listing mechanisms of the Convention. The intervention has been finalized: but at the moment it is not yet known if the GA will allow its presentation. Another session of the Forum pertaining to 8.GA will be held via Zoom on 14 September in English and on 15 September in French to discus
ICH NGO Forum's documents for the 8th General Assembly of UNESCO's Convention
ICH NGO Forum's documents for the 8th General Assembly of UNESCO's Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage◼ Statement : http://www.ichngoforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ICH-NGO-Forum-statement-8-GA-2020-fin.pdf◼ Intervention : http://www.ichngoforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/ICH-NGO-Forum-intervention-8GA-11-fin.pdf◼ Item 11 of the 8.GA Agenda - Update on the reflection on the listing mechanism of the Convention : http://www.ichngoforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Reform-of-the-listing-mechanism_short-report_ICH-NGO-Forum.pdf◼ Invitation to the ICH NGO Forum's online meetings on 14th and 15th September 2020 : http://www.ichngoforum.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/Invitation-to-ICH-NGO-Forums-online-meetings.pdf
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 5 August 2020
■ ICH NGO Conference co-organized by ICHCAP and ICH NGO ForumSakr is continuously in contact with ICHCAP concerning the online conference “ICH and resilience in crisis: Implication in the Era of B.C. (Before Corona) and A.C. (After Corona)”. The call for papers has been published: and is open until the mid August. The co-organizers currently discuss the selection of keynote speakers: and how to additionally motivate NGOs to submit their proposals. Members of the Steering Committee suggested few additional experts who could be considered to serve as keynote speakers: especially concerning the theme of resilience system analysis. As for the participation of ICH NGOs: it is important to motivate those that have been continuously involved in the activities of the Forum: but also to be as encouraging as possible to newcomers.■ Next Newsletter of the ForumThe new issue of the Newsletter: dedicated to responses of ICH NGOs to the pandemic: will be published these days. It is quite extensive: probably the most extens
2020 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage Online Ceremony Week 1: Activities of 2019 JIAPICH Finalists
Dear ICH Community:The 2020 JIAPICH (Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage) Online Ceremony will be held on Sept. 18th: 2020 at 20:30 KST (GMT+9:00). For the next four weeks we will be sending to all of our friends and the ICH community: promoting for the 2020 JIAPICH Online Ceremony. Please find the invitation from the Mayor of Jeonju and link to our week 1 video of our past winners. Week 1(Aug 14th). Presenting the activities of 2019 JIAPICH Finalists: Contact Base of India: Heritage Foundations of Newfoundland Canada: and Ahmed Skounti of Morocco: https://youtu.be/hHhnI6QzwlEPlease share this invitation to all of our ICH community and friends! Thank you.Best regards:Secretariat of the 2020 JIAPICH-----------------------Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS)Homepage: <a href ="http://www.jiapich.org">http://www.jiapich.org: http://www.ichngo.net Address:285 Kwonsamdeuk-ro: Dukjin-gu: Jeonju city: Jeonbuk: Republic of KoreaTel: +82-63-277-4098Fax: +82-63-277-4097
Traditional Art in Contemporary Times
British Council India and Contact Base (www.banglanatak.com) are organising an international webinar on "Traditional Art in Contemporary Times". Experts and practitioners from across the globe will look at how traditional art is evolving in contemporary times and also explore the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on living heritage worldwide. Speakers are Patricia Navas Röthlisberger who is in-charge of the Cultural Heritage for Inclusive Growth (CH4IG) programme at British Council Colombia: Dr. Harriet Deacon an expert with experience of consulting with UNESCO on implementation of the 2003 Convention on Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage in 16 countries: and artist Lou-ann Neel from the Kwakwaka'wakw community of Canada. Panel discussants include Suresh Jayaram: an art historian: curator and Founder of 1 Shanthiroad and National Awardee Patachitra artist- Anwar Chitrakar. Nandita Palchoudhury a social entrepreneur curating and consulting internationally in the field of Indian folk art: craft and per
ICH Webinar Series: the fourth session to be held on 12 August 2020
Co-organised by the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) and UNESCO Office in Bangkok: the ICH Webinar Series features experts in the ICH field and is open to the public.The ICH Webinar Series Session 4 is now open for registration. If you want to receive a webinar alert: please register through this link.To be held on 12 August 2020 at 4 PM to 5:30 PM (Korean Standard Time): the fourth session will focus on curriculum development with an emphasis on how ICH is introduced: incorporated: and enriched in university-level settings.Inter-regional ICH curriculum development experiences will be discussed by Ms. Emily Drani (Executive Director: Cross-Cultural Foundation of Uganda): Dr. Frances C. Koya Vaka’uta (Professor: the University of the South Pacific): and Dr. Marc Jacobs (Professor: University of Antwerp). For more information: you are invited to read this article on the session.For free and continuou
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 1 July 2020
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC): 1 July 2020■ Work of ICH NGO Forum under Coronavirus epidemicFollowing the previously adopted plan (see minutes of the 7th meeting) and the current situation in Caicedo’s family: the members adopted a revised plan to broaden the number of online discussion sessions on ICH in emergencies and under COVID-19: planned in relation to the preparation of Forum’s report for 15.COM (see 6.b below): from one to several. In coordination with Nömgård: Ceribašić will present this revised plan to Matti Hakamäki: who is in charge of facilitating the work of the group dealing with emergencies and COVID-19. When the circumstances allow: Caicedo will join the group and further develop theinitial plan.■ ICH NGO Conference co-organized by ICHCAP and ICH NGO ForumSince the last meeting of the SC: the topic of the conference has been defined: and call for papers created and discussed between the ICHCAP and the Forum: represented by Sakr. The title of the conference is “ICH and r
City of Jeonju Welcomes the World to 2020 JIAPICH Online Ceremony!
Greetings from the Secretariat of 2020 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage (2020 JIAPICH). The 2020 JIAPICH Grand Prize is on its second annual year to discover exemplary cases of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) safeguarding activities throughout the world and to establish social solidarity and identity through ICH. It is our hope to develop ICH international communities.The inaugural JIAPICH ceremony was held in 2019 and saw 48 applications from 36 countries around the world. The 2020 JIAPICH accepted 39 applications from 27 countries. The geographical distribution of candidates is spread evenly across the 5 oceans and 6 major continents: and has earned a strong response from ICH actors around the world. The global ICH community is going through an arduous period in time during the pandemic crisis. It is getting worse for those practicing: safeguarding: and promoting ICH. It is thus meaningful that the citizens of Jeonju were able to raise funds at this time to help orga
Amid COVID 19, UNESCO Peru defines new ways to inventory living heritage with communities in Ayacucho, Peru
Project: Community-based inventorying of intangible heritage in urban areas (1 January 2018 – 1 December 2021) The call for participation in the pilot project ‘Community-based inventorying of intangible cultural heritage in the urban context of Ayacucho: Peru’ attracted hundreds of applicants. Of these: 56 selected public officials: archaeologists: anthropologists: communicators: teachers: bearers: practitioners and cultural managers came together in January 2020 for an initial training workshop with the objective to set up the methodological framework for the inventorying and to plan the process. However: when the COVID-19 pandemic reached Peru in March 2020: a general confinement was declared: and all field work had to be put on hold. To sustain the interest and momentum gained during the preparatory phase: UNESCO proposed to continue the project during confinement through the use of both digital and analogue technologies: including virtual interviews with bearers and academic researchers. Three online meet
Online Stage
The “ONLINE STAGE” platform on the EAFF's website provides an easy way to promote folklore music and dance video performances: which in just a few steps will be visible on the website of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF.The aim of the initiative is to present records of high artistic value to keep alive the traditions of the nations.The unique virtual stage will provide you a stage to present yourself: despite the current global situation: delighting fans of folklore art. You can send your video to the "online stage" with just one click.The "ONLINE STAGE" section is part of the eponymous new section of the EAFF's website: which also provides access to the overview-documentary festival films: to the editions of the TV show "World Folklore Art" and to the monthly TV shows of the TV Championship by EurofolkTV .The new section also takes you to the opportunity to become viewers and listeners of EAFF's main media partners - Eurofolk's online television and online radio. Enjoy the emotions with
ICH Webinar Series Session III on July 30
Slated for 30 July 2020 at 20:00 to 21:30 (Korean Standard Time): the third session of the ICH Webinar Series will be held. Co-organized by ICHCAP and the UNESCO Bangkok Office: participants and speakers hope to have a deeper engagement with ideas of building cooperation and networking initiatives among higher education institutions for ICH safeguarding from founded regional networks in Africa: Latin America: Europe: and Asia-Pacific. This session is a continuation of our efforts to have a better understanding of the integration between intangible cultural heritage and higher education: which visibly faces more challenges at the present time as the COVID-19 pandemic has necessitated measures directly affecting the operations of educational institutions all over the world such as school closure: instruction through online means: and disruption of research field work and other related activities.Link: https://www.unesco-ichcap.org/ich-webinar-series-session-iii-to-focus-on-regional-networks-for-the-teaching-of-
X World Championship of Folklore "World folk 2020" ONLINE
The team of the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF: (ICH) partner of UNESCO welcomes all the performers in the field of the folklore arts!We are pleased to announce that the jubilee X edition of the World Championship of Folklore "World folk" 2020 will be held in two formats - traditionally: in a real environment and virtually: on the Internet. The online version of the Championship is a result of the pandemic situation around the world and in response to the imposed measures to limit the spread of COVID-19. In this regard: EAFF offers a new platform for performance and creative contacts for all folk groups: which do not have the opportunity to travel and attend the event live! Join the online edition of the X World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" 2020 and become part of the upcoming virtual contest!With this new form of communication: let us overcome isolation and stay together in this challenge: because folklore has always been: is and will be shared knowledge! Of course: online partici
Congratulations to 2020 JIAPICH Finalists!
The City of Jeoju is hosting our second annual Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage Online Ceremony. Recorded Online Ceremony will be held on 'CICS in Korea' and official 'Jeonju' city Youtube live stream on September 18th 20:30 Korean Time. Exact dates and times will be posted again as they are subjected to change. Please join us! 2020 JIAPICH Finalists: ASAMA-The Association for the Protection of Masks in West Afria (Burkina Faso): Hieu Duc Vu- Director of Muong Cultural Space Museum (Vietnam): Impacto- Protectors of ICH in Highlands Region of Chipas (Mexico) Congratulations Finalists!
Kaustinen Folk Music Festival finds the ways to do it online
Thousands of cultural and heritage events throughout the world have been cancelled due to covid-19 pandemic. Kaustinen Folk Music Festival: the major Finnish folk music and dance event and one of the majors in Northern Europe: also had to tell this sad message to its dedicated friends. In order to support practising and sharing living heritage under current conditions and to keep up the festival community: consisting of 4000–5000 professional and amateur performers and 40000–50000 visitors annually: a virtual online festival was quickly created. The core of the VirtualKaustinen 2020 online event: 13.–19.7.2020: is the general invitation to all willing groups and individuals to record video performances: upload them to Youtube and share the link to the festival organization. Several hundred videos are expected: and the festival publishes daily a selection of dozens of links. The programme also consists of daily streamed concerts and workshops: interviews and a webcast radio by The Finnish Folk Music Institute
Virtual Launch of Volume no. 15 of the International Journal of Intangible Heritage
Celebrate the launch of the 15th volume of the International Journal of Intangible Heritage and the 15-year anniversary of its founding – in a two-part webinar series commencing on 15 July 2020.COVID-19 restrictions mean that while this year’s Journal could not be launched at the ICOM Annual Meeting as is traditional: this virtual launch in the form of a webinar series: will enable the Journal to involve many more people in an event that will bring together authors and book reviewers: practitioners and professionals: individuals and institutions: all of whom have been instrumental in the production of the IJIH over its 15 years of existence.Participants in the two webinars: all authors in Vol.15: will address the two main themes emerging in this year’s Journal: Museums and Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH): perspectives: policy making and practice; and Identity and Meaning: Traditional knowledge and Traditional craftsmanship.These themes are examined in articles and book reviews that interrogate a wide range
Call for Papers: ICH and Resilience in Crisis
ICHCAP: in collaboration with ICH NGO Forum: is pleased to invite NGOs to participate in the online 2020 ICH NGO Conference: ICH and Resilience in Crisis to be held on 12 and 13 November 2020.Since 2014: ICHCAP has been organizing the conference biennially. The conference gives premium focus on the work of NGOs in the ICH field globally.While conditions of instability caused by COVID-19 pandemic could extraordinarily constrain human interactions: both co-organizers decided to continue cooperative relationships among ICH NGOs in such a critical time by holding an online conference. Therefore: this year: as a timely issue: the conference aims to thoroughly understand the broadness and depth of ICH NGOs roles and challenges: particularly in the field of education.The objectives of the 2020 ICH NGO Conference are to better understand the interrelationship between ICH and education within the lens of sustainable development and to empower ICH NGOs around the world by discovering good practices and sharing useful e
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 3 June 2020
■ Work of ICH NGO Forum under Coronavirus epidemicAs a follow-up regarding the UNESCO’s platform on living heritage experiences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic: Jorge Gustavo Caicedo presented to the Steering Committee the draft call to all accredited NGOs to participate in a video presentation with Q&A on how the pandemic has impacted their activities: what are the measures that they are implementing to confront the situation: and what is the expectation of NGOs on the forthcoming future. All presentations are planned to be held in English: French or Spanish (in one of these languages for a single event) on the Zoom communication platform: and broadcast live to ichngo.net: ichngoforum.org: YouTube and Facebook. The proposal was endorsed by the members of the Steering Committee. The first such “conversation” or “debate”: as these events will be called: will be held towards the end of June or the beginning of July. Jorge Gustavo Caicedo will facilitate those in English and Spanish: and Donghwan Choi t
Connecting to the Roots
Experience the varied and diverse culture of Bengal through out "Connecting to the Roots" program. This is an unique opportunity to connect with your roots through performances and short films on different art forms of Bengal. This week we will be presenting to you- Chau: Banbibir Pala: Jhumur: Natua: Darjeeling Folk Dance and Raibense. Time - 5.00 p.m. IST Link - https://www.facebook.com/banglanatakdotcom/
ICH Webinar Series co-organized by ICHCAP and UNESCO Office in Bangkok
Co-organised by the International Information and Networking Centre for Intangible Cultural Heritage in the Asia-Pacific Region under the auspices of UNESCO (ICHCAP) and UNESCO Office in Bangkok: the ICH Webinar Series features experts in the ICH field and is open to the public.The first session of this Webinar Series will discuss the impacts of the pandemic on ICH in the Asia and the Pacific region and the roles ICH might take to address the situation of crisis.Session 1: Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage and the COVID-19 in the Asia-Pacific Region (18 June 2020)Time: 18 June 2020: 17:00-19:00 (Korea Standard Time): 15:00-17:00(Bangkok Time)Pre-registration: Registration is closed.We will also stream the live webinar to ICHCAP’s Youtube and Facebook Channels.▶YouTube Live (English) https://youtu.be/AZVkHf74ejs▶YouTube Live (Korean) https://youtu.be/YA2_YFaUudY▶Facebook Live (English) https://www.facebook.com/ICHCAP/Session 2: Teaching and learning heritage-related disciplines during COVID-19 Pand
Eighth Session of the General Assembly(8.GA) Postponed to 8 to 10 September 2020
The eighth session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (previously foreseen from 25 to 27 August) has been rescheduled due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic to 8 to 10 September 2020 (UNESCO Headquarters: Paris). The modality of the General Assembly may be subject to further change: given the unprecedented and evolving situation.Over the three days: 178 States Parties will discuss a number of issues that are important for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world. All working documents for the session will be published by 7 August 2020 on this webpage.Link: https://ich.unesco.org/en/8ga
Announcement of the 2020 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage!
We express our sincere gratitude to all applicants for the 2020 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. We recognize and deeply appreciate what you and your organizations have achieved with respect to the safeguarding and revitalization of ICH. The selection process was very challenging as all applicants demonstrated good practices for the safeguarding ICH with courage and lofty spirit. Only three applicants (individuals and organizations) were selected as finalists from thirty-nine applicants from 27 countries on six continents.Jeonju City announces the following three finalist candidates for public verification as the final process for the 2020 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. The finalist candidates are as follows: - Vu Duc Hieu (Individual: Vietnam: Asia-Pacific Region) - Impacto (Organization: Mexico: Latin America)- Asama (Organization: Burkina Faso: Africa) The public verification process allows for verification of whether the fina
Follow-Up Activities of the Steering Committee (SC), 6 May 2020
■ Work of ICH NGO Forum under Coronavirus Epidemic After the publication of a general call to NGOs to share their experiences in safeguarding ICH under the epidemic COVID-19 in the last ICH NGO Forum-Newsletter in April: 2020: the Steering Committee has discussed on the second call which would focus on foreseeing the immediate future impact of the pandemic: how it may change the practice of ICH elements: what new challenges are expected in safeguarding: and what would be a path back into “normal”. After the discussion: the members of the Steering Committee agreed to elaborate the complete call before the next meeting of the Steering Committee. ■ Proposal from ICHCAP regarding co-organization of an online ICH NGO Conference ICHCAP has hosted the Asia-Pacific ICH NGO conference every two years since 2016 and the third Asia-Pacific ICH NGO Conference was originally scheduled to be held in Jeonju: South Korea: in November 2020: with the initial theme of ICH and education. But due to the pandemic COVID-19: ICHCAP
Volunteers for ad hoc sub-committee for the ICH NGO Forum report at 15.COM
Volunteers for ad hoc sub-committee for the ICH NGO Forum report at 15. COM(See below for the french version)Dear colleagues:we hope that this email finds you well and safe from the spread of Covid-19.As you know: at 14. COM the Intergovernmental Committee decided to include our report as a separate agenda item at its next session. It will be first such report in the history of the Forum: and it requires our due attention.Several members of the Steering Committee had an online meeting with UNESCO Secretariat: where we discussed formal requirement for the report. It is expected to be no longer than 5 pages; it may use as a model the reports of ad hoc working groups; the greatest attention should be given to the draft decision as the binding part of the agenda item: while overall contents of the report is up to the Forum to decide. The deadline for completing the English version of the report is the end of September. The Secretariat will translate it into French: and both versions needs to be available at the U
New Paradigms in Rural Cultural Industries
Creative industries like craft collectives: village tourism: cultural festivals which support the tradition bearers and practitioners are threatened with challenges of decline in demand owing to factors like decline in tourist flows: less disposable income of consumers and restrictions in cultural and social gatherings. On June 18: 2020: UNESCO New Delhi in collaboration with banglanatak dot com is organizing its next webinar on ‘New Paradigms in Rural Cultural Industries’. The objectives of the webinar are to:• Raise awareness about the impact of COVID-19 on cultural and creative sector based on heritage skills in art and crafts including cultural tourism• Identify needs and challenges to be addressed through development of policies: programs and financial mechanisms aimed at empowering artists• Sharing voices of ICH Communities and experiences from different countries. The webinar will be from 4 pm to 5:30 pm. PanelistsMs. Junhi Han: Programme Specialist and Chief of Culture Sector: UNESCO New Delhi will op
Building Resilient Communities Practising ICH
On April 15:2020: UNESCO launched a global movement ResiliArt to mobilize solidarity among artists and cultural professionals. Social media campaign and online debates are being organized to shed light on the impact of the pandemic on cultural value chain and creative economy: support the artists during and following the crisis. UNESCO New Delhi launched ResiliArt South Asia on May 21: 2020 with a webinar on “Arts and Culture during Covid-19 crisis”.South Asia is rich in intangible cultural heritage. The folk artists and crafts persons are facing challenges with cancellation of cultural programs: festivals and exhibitions: disruptions in supply chain and restrictions in mobility and social gathering. On June 10: 2020: UNESCO New Delhi in collaboration with banglanatak dot com is organizing a webinar on ‘Building Resilient Communities Practising Intangible Cultural Heritage’.Welcome Note: Eric Falt: Director and UNESCO Representative to Bhutan: India: Maldives and Sri Lanka will welcome the panelists and share
Making of Rattan Products
Periodic Performance of Pilbong Farmer's Music of Imsil Held Without Spectators
Periodic Performance of Pilbong Farmer's Music of Imsil Held Without Spectators on May 30: 2020Due to the Covid-19 pandemic: many events were cancelled but some still continued to go without spectators. The periodic performance of Pilbong Farmer's Music of Imsil was held on May 30(Sat.): 2020 without spectators. This farmer's music has been performed to get evil spirits away and to wish for the safeness for their community. It was a pity that the community members were not able to get involved. The performers performed wishing that the coronavirus crisis would quickly come to an end. Pilbong Farmer's Music is No.11-5 of National Intangible Cultural Property of Republic of Korea. It is mainly performed in the west area of Jeolla North Province.
Online training for periodic reporting launched in Latin America and the Caribbean
National focal points for periodic reporting from 33 countries and associated member States of UNESCO across Latin America and the Caribbean took part last Tuesday in the launch of the new online training course for the reformed periodic reporting process: which is being rolled out in the Latin America and Caribbean region for the first time this year.UNESCO developed the course in collaboration with CRESPIAL with the aim to build capacities for the preparation of the country reports and to strengthen the national monitoring processes of the 2003 Convention. It will also provide an occasion for peer learning: networking and strategic discussion among participating focal points and UNESCO colleagues.The course: which has been adapted to an online format in response to the COVID-19 crisis: presents a new modality for delivering training under the global capacity-building strategy: and will take place over a period of six weeks from 19 May to 23 June. Link: https://ich.unesco.org/en/news/online-training-for-peri
Follow-Up Activities of Steering Committee(SC)
■ Publication of the Newsletter The ICHNGO Forum Newsletter was distributed on 10 April: 2020. Link: http://ipw1.mjt.lu/nl2/ipw1/mhwyz.html?m=AMUAAG4ynZcAAcp9SuoAAAAYkL0AAAAUPK8AAG2QAAhZhABekH6VcK_F42C1S8W_cvNYtqNL4AAH8AE&b=ce917d60&e=796b3e97&x=dcVxVxUKwyeqK1pPsQLBfCpu_MhYZwEb6wit78bUopMThe SC will issue the next Newsletter at the end of June or the beginning of July: sharing experiences and good practices of ICH in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. ■ Preparation of Program for 8.GAThe 8th session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage has been rescheduled to 25 to 27 August: 2020 due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.It has appeared that at the moment nobody can be completely sure about the date: format: and agenda of 8.GA yet from the talks with the UNESCO Secretariat of the Convention held on 6 April. It may happen that it will be shortened: that no side events will be organized and/or that it will be postponed again. Ne
UNESCO launches platform on living heritage and the COVID-19 pandemic
IMPACT ON LIVING HERITAGEExperiences shared so far through the online survey have shown the scale of disruption across the world: with many significant festive events and rituals cancelled or postponed. Some communities can no longer access the cultural and natural spaces and places of memory necessary for expressing their intangible cultural heritage: while others are restricted from coming together to share and enjoy many aspects of their intangible cultural heritage: so important to them.This has not only caused disruptions in the social and cultural lives of many: but has also resulted in loss of income for many bearers and practitioners of intangible cultural heritage. Those working in the performing arts and traditional crafts: who largely operate in the informal sector: have been particularly hard hit. Although it is still early to assess the economic costs: artisans the world over have responded to the survey noting loss of livelihoods as they face challenges in supplying orders and accessing raw mate
Follow-Up Activities of Steering Committee(SC)
■ Preparation of program for 8.GA(1) 8.GA has been rescheduled from 9-11 June to 25-27 August: 2020.(2) Arranging ICH NGO Forum Desk for 8th General Assembly.(Guiding NGOs to present their materials such as leaflets: brochures: perhaps also posters: etc./ letters to be sent to all accredited NGOs) (3) Organizing a panel presentation and in-depth discussion on one or two success stories of good: viable: and innovative safeguarding practices.(The outcomes of the ICH and Museums (IMP) project to be presented) ■ Preparation of program for 15.COM(1) The theme of the Symposium is “ICH and Tourism.”(2) The joint session on the “Wheel Chart of Sustainability and ICH” co-organized by Finland (Sharing chart’s application in the work of ICH NGOs and their role in safeguarding)(3) The report of accredited NGOs will be introduced as a separate agenda. The reform of the listing mechanism: regional reporting: application of the overall results framework: treatment of correspondence from the public: etc. will be discus
Living heritage experiences in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic
While we are currently going through extraordinary conditions of lockdown on a global scale due to the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic: we are also seeing the ways in which the impact of this crisis goes beyond our physical health. Festivals and cultural events are being cancelled or postponed: and cultural practices and rituals are being restricted: causing disruptions in the lives of many people.At the same time: we are seeing how living heritage can be a source of resilience in such difficult circumstances: as people continue to draw inspiration: joy and solidarity from practising their living heritage. With this in mind: UNESCO is inviting its partners to share their experiences on the role of living heritage during the pandemic and how its safeguarding has been affected in the immediate term.We hope that these stories will help enhance our learning about safeguarding living heritage in the context of COVID-19 and inspire communities to learn from each other and exchange experiences.Please send us your ex
Reports of the ICH NGO Forum at the Pre & 14th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of ICH to be held in Bogota from 7 to 14 December 2019.
You can find the attached reports of the ICH NGO Forum activities at Pre-14.COM and 14.COM held in Bogota: Colombia from 7 to 14 December 2019.
Workshop on ICH management in Pernik, Bulgaria
The Regional Centre Sofia organizes two-days workshops on 'ICH management' in different cities in Bulgaria in the frames of the project named “Safeguarding of the intangible cultural heritage through enhancing civil society’s participation on the process of formulating: implementing and monitoring of policies and legislation”.After the first workshop in Ruse and the following in Koprivshtitsa: Burgas and Vratsa: the last planned workshop will be held in the city of Pernik on March 5-6: 2020.More information: available in Bulgarian* Link: http://www.unesco-centerbg.org
Mongolian Traditional Practices of Worshipping the Sacred Sites
Folkland with the support of Dorf Ketal and collaboration with INTACH Kasargod Chapter and Payyanur Paursamithi organized different programs on the occasion of Mahatma Gandhi’s 72nd Death Anniversary.
Nordic-Baltic ICH Network established, Kaustinen ICH seminar 2019 video available online
The Nordic and Baltic network on Intangible Cultural Heritage was established 13.7.2019 at the Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019. The organization of the network will be discussed in a satellite meeting associated with the first Nordic ICH conference Living heritage in the Nordic countries. International seminar on the UNESCO 2003 Convention: 31.10–1.11.2019 in Hanaholmen Cultural Centre: Espoo: Finland.See more information on the network and watch the Kaustinen seminar video(http://www.kansanmusiikki-instituutti.fi/toiminta/nordic-baltic-ich-network/).
The 15th session of Intangible Cultural Heritage will be held in Jamaica from 30 November to 5 December 2020.
The Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage ended its 14th session which took place in Bogota: Colombia from 9 to 14 December 2019: under the Chair Maria Claudia Lopez Sorzano. The Committee adopted guidelines for the safeguarding of ICH in emergency situtions such as conflict and disaster(both natural and human-induced).The guidelines build on the research and experience acquired by UNESCO in recent years: including among Syrian refugees: internally displaced population in the Democratic Republic of Congo and disaster risk reduction strategies in the Pacificnds. During the last day of the session: the Committee decided its 15th session will be held in Kingston under the Chair of Jamaica's Minister of Culture: Gender: Entertainment and Sport: from 30 November to 5 December 2020. The Committee also inscribed five elements on the List of ICH in Need of Urgent Safeguarding and 35 on the Representative List of ICH of Humanity.
2020 Jeonju International Awards now accept applications
Registration has begun for the 2nd annual Jeonju International Awards Ceremony. Please Download the application here: http://jiapich.org/Candidates for the AwardsAwards are open to Living Human Treasure(practitioners): groups and communities: administrators: researchers: NGOs and those who have mad substantial contributions for promoting ICHSubmission of application : March 30th: 2020Announcement of Awardee(s): June 2020 (TBD)Award Ceremony : September 2020 (TBD)Website: Secretariat of JIAPICH: www.cics.center/jiapichCity of Jeonju : www.jeonju.go.krUNESCO NGO information website: www.ichngo.net Email: cics.center@gmail.com
Opening Ceremony of the 14th session of the Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage
Colombia's President Ivan Duque Marquez and UNESCO's Director-General Audrey Azoulay were among more than 1:000 participants sho attended the opening on 9 December of the 14th session of the Committee for rhe Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage taking place in the Colombian capital under the chair of Maria Claudia Lopez Sorzano: until 14 December 2019. Performers from the Car ival of Barranquilla: inscribed on UNESCO's Representive List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity in 2008 escorted delegates to the auditorium where opening ceremony took place: before the Corbandas symphony orchestra performed a program of cumbia: fandago and merengue carranguero music. In her speech: Ms. Audrey Azoulay said that since its entry into force in 2006: the Convention for the Intangible Cultural Heritage "has been made stronger through its dissemination of an ambitious vision of heritage: the idea of living legacy that integrates practices: experiences: techniques and human knowledge nurtured over
ICH NGO Forum Pre-14.COM Activities
On Saturday:7 December 2019: Capacity-building workshops were held at the Black Tower Hotel in Bogota: Colombia: under generous support of the Government of Sweden who also hosted a luncheon.On Sunday: 8 December: the Forum held a Symposium on <ICH in Urban Contexts> in cooperation with the National Heritage Board of Singapore at the Agora Convention Center. Another Symposium on <Reform of the Listing Mechanism - How NGOs can contribute to addressing old and new challenges?> was held also.In the afternoon of 8 December: the Forum had a meeting to discuss the draft Bylaws of ICH NGO Forum prepared by the working group and the Steering Committee.
The 14th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage to be held in Bogota, Colombia from 9 to 14 December 2019.
You can access to the live webcast of the 14th session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage to be held in Bogota: Colombia. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=njDKwhjBTfE&feature=emb_logo
Angklung: Indonesian Bamboo Musical Instrument
Baul Fakir Mela in New Delhi on 9th-10th November, 2019
Nearly 200 Baul-Fakiri songs: Bengali Qawaali and Dhamail songs were sung by a whopping community of 60 Baul-Fakir musicians from Bengal before around 1500 people: if not more: at the Meghdoot Open Air Theater Auditorium of Sangeet Natak Academy: New Delhi: over a span of 13 hours across 2 days. Around 70% of the audience: meaning: more than 1000 of the audience were from the diaspora Bengali community of New Delhi. Again: the fact that more than 500 among the attendees were from the non-Bengali communities residing in and around Delhi was: in itself: no mean feat!
Pre-14.COM and 14.COM programme, 7-13 December 2019
ICH NGO Forum: Pre-14.COM and 14.COM programme Bogotá: 7-13 December 2019The programme of the activities of the ICH NGO Forum before and during the fourteenth session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage (14.COM).Please confirm your participation by filling out the form which you can find on http://www.ichngoforum.org/pre-14-com-14-com-programme-bogota-7-13-december-2019/#/ as soon as possible: and no later than 30 November 2019.Saturday: 7 December: Capacity-building workshopBlack Tower Premium Hotel (Av esperanza 43a 21)(Lunch and coffee/tea breaks hosted by the Kingdom of Sweden)9:30-10 Plenary session: Introduction to the workshop 10-11:30 Group work Group A-C: newly accredited NGOs and newcomers to COM: Introducing the Convention: its key terms: and the role of NGOs in its implementation on national: regional and international levels Group A: English-speaking group: facilitator Naila CeribašićGroup B: French-speaking group: facilitator Jorijn Neyri
The Art of Brazilian Capoeira Circle
Beer Culture in Belgium
The oldest sport in Ireland: Hurling
DANCE AWARD SEASON 2020: Where you are the protagonist!
The Dance Grand Prix present the International Competitions and invite your dance school/group to compete and performing at the most prestigious "Art Cities Theatres" in Europe."Barcelona Dance Award" in Spain from 9 to 13 April 2020 during Easter Spring Time.and"Dance Grand Prix Venice-Florence" in Italy from 22 to 26 June 2020 during Summer Time.To find out how to qualify: mail the office: so Directors should act right away for next Year!Unfortunately: in this year: space has been limited and many groups have failed to register: and we hope do not have this kind of problems: for your dance group: next 2020 editions!If you need: just in a few days you will receive (free on charges for you!) some advertising materials from us:the brochures and posters of the Dance Grand Prix 2020 Season: reply to this e.mail for request of info.our info email: eurodancebarcelona@gmail.comFull Name: ___________________________________________School/Company Name: ________________________________Email Address: __________________
Rebetiko: Urban Greek music
Traditional Mauritian Sega: The Talented Mauritian Music
The King Hung Temple Festival of Phu Tho Vietnam
ICH NGO Forum : the Activities during the 14th Intergovernmental Committee
The Steering Committee of The ICH NGO Forum INVITE You to participate in ICH NGO Forum activates in Bogota - Colombia: 7 – 14th December 2019 at ICH Intergovernmental Committee Meetings each year: this year to be held in Bogota - Colombia: 9-14th December at 14.COM.Invitation:Dear colleagues:as NGOs accredited to the 2003 Convention: you have received invitation to participate at 14.COM: which will be held in Bogota from 9 to 14 December 2019. We hope that you will be able to attend. Please take note that expenses incurred by participants are generally borne by your organizations. However: participation costs for representatives from accredited NGOs from developing countries: depending on the availability of resources: may be covered by the Fund for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. More information on that is available in the invitation letter that you have received.When planning your trip to Bogota: please pay particular attention to ICH NGO Forum pre-14.COM events: scheduled for 7-8 Dec
Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage
The Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage aims to recognize good safeguarding practices of intangible cultural heritage (ICH) and to encourage the proliferation of values of ICH such as social cohesion: cooperation: and cultural diversity for the future development of the global community. The awards are given to individuals: groups: institutions: NGOs: and those who have made substantial contributions to promoting ICH. Jeonju City is happy to made an opportunity to praise their commitments and indomitable spirit for the safeguarding of ICH. Taking the first step in 2019: Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH hopes to become sustainable with prestige gaining a great deal of attention from the world. A) SignificanceThe Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH are international awards established by Jeonju: a city of traditional culture. The local government: Jeonju City: took the initiative to transmit: safeguard: and promote ICH around the world. Jeonju is a cultu
Outdoor Events at the Jeonju International Awards
Exhibition & Hands-on Experience of ICH -Patachitra exhibition-Hapjukseon (Fan making)-Jihwa (paper Flower)-Jeonju Yiyangju (Folk Liquor)-Hanji paper photo exhibition-Jeonju future cultural heritage exhibition
The First Jeonju International Awards
Congratulations to the winners! Winners are Contact Base from India: Foundation of Newfoundland and Labrador of Canada and Professor Ahmed Skounti of Morocco.
The Carnival of Basel: Three best days in the year of Switzerland
Kumbh Mela: India’s pilgrimage to the holy waters
On-Site training workshops with community members: Jalal-Abad province
On 6-8 September : 2019 Aigine CRC is conducting on-site training workshop for sacred site guardians: pilgrims: traditional practitioners and members of working group of Jalal-Abad province.The main objectives of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with the UNESCO 2003 Convention on Safeguarding ICH: to develop sacred site and pilgrimage practice safeguarding measures: as well as to conduct cross validation of the sacred sites and rituals of Jalal-Abad province.The training workshop is held in the framework of the project "Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures'.
National level Nandi dance festival
Event Venue ;- spy Reddy Kalavedika:Townhall Nandyal:kurnool- dist: Andhrapradesh : India- 518501 : cell; 09908725084 : Email ;- srisainatyanjali@gmail.comwe are doing on cultural programes: Kuchipudi: Bharatnatyam: Andhranatya: Kathak: Kathakkali: Mohiniattam: Manipuri: Perininatyam : Odissi : yakshaganam:Janapadham : Folk and Tribal dance :all Indian Traditional dance Etc
Knucklebone shooting: embodiment of folk Mongolian national folk game
2019 Jeonju International Awards Ceremony will be held in South Korea on September 27,2019
Event: 2019 Jeonju International Awards Ceremony for Promoting Intangible Cultural HeritageDate/Time: Friday: September 27th 2019/ 10:00- 16:10 Location: Jeonju Hanbyuk Performance Theater: Jeonju: South Korea *A registration will be done on the same day; all visitors are welcomed to attend the event and other programs. The first Jeonju International Awards has been elaborately prepared and the long-awaited awards ceremony will be held on September 27th in Jeonju: South Korea. The awards ceremony is also rich in programs. Opening this year for the first time: the awards had gained great positive feedback from around the world. Forty-eight applicants from 36 different countries applied for the awards. However: only three applicants (individuals and organizations) were selected as finalist. The selection process was challenging as all applicants demonstrated good practices for the safeguarding of ICH with their courage and lofty spirit. In the future: Jeonju will continue to honor those who have contrib
Kolo: Serbian circle dance
The Big songs of Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan: Katta Ashula
Madur and Patachitra at Hungary Heritage House
2 traditional handicraft artists from rural West Bengal (Patachitra and Madur weaving) have reached Budapest on 13th Aug. Hungarian Heritage House is hosting a Patachitra exhibition starting 15 August onwards. On 17th onwards the Handicraft artists will be at Festival of Folk Arts at Buda Castle. Request all friends to please visit both the exhibition to be at held at Hungary Heritage House House ground floor Exhibition Hall and then the festival of Folk Art at Buda Castle. Aug 15 is India's Independence Day (73rd year of Independence) and we are happy that Indian Ambassador in Budapest will inaugurate the exhibition at 5 pm on 15 Aug.
Flamenco of Spain: Andalusia Region State of Mind in motion
YAKSHAGANASHTAKAM- A workshop to revive Yakshaganana tradition of Nileshwaram: a place in Kasaragod district of Kerala in south India: that instilled the Malayalee audience for a long time. The eight-day long training workshop and performance based on the mythological story of Manikanda Vijayam (Mahishimoksham) by the performing artists of Chinmaya Yakshagana Kalanilayam of Kakkat and students of nearby schools.
2019 Asia-Pacific Youth ICH Storytelling Contest for Young Practitioners and General Youth
ICHCAP is holding Asia-Pacific Youth ICH Storytelling Contest for young practitioners and general youth and the deadline for entry submission for the contest is October 15: 2019. Please visit the link below to enter your submission. http://www.ichcap.org/mc/application.php/UNESCO prioritized youth as the main driver of innovation and change for sustainable development and emphasized youth participation. Especially: since intangible cultural heritage relies on community transmission: the role and participation of young people leading future generations is very important.Contentso A story on how future generations are transmitting specific ICH elements in the Asia-Pacific regiono A story that conveys the importance of safeguarding and sustaining Asia-Pacific ICH and its transmission by future generationso A story on practicing: safeguarding: and transmitting ICH with community-based youth participation in the Asia-Pacific regionEntry Qualifications: o Youth in the Asia-Pacific region (Born 1983-2001)Submissi
Chogan: Horse Riding Sport and Cultural Ambassador of Iran
Green Ivory - An Exhibition on Shola Craft of Bengal
The project ‘Revival of Shola Craft Tradition of Bengal’ implemented by banglanatak dot com supported by The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Kolkata; is an attempt to revitalize the traditional art of Shola of Bengal.Shola (Aeschynomene aspera) is a milky white: delicate spongy plant found in the marshlands of Bengal. The pith of the reeds of the plant is used to make items of decoration. This exhibition Green Ivory is an attempt to showcase the variations that the craft offers and create a platform for discussing how the craft can be taken forward. The varieties of unexplored ritualistic: decorative and contemporary products of Shola will be showcased during the exhibition.
Chidaoba: Art of Georgian Jacket Wrestling
Green Ivory
The project Revival of Shola Craft Tradition of Bengal by banglanatak dot com supported by The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Kolkata; is an attempt to revitalize the symbolic abstraction of emotion using Shola. Shola is a milky white: delicate spongy plant mostly found in marshy lands of West Bengal: India. Exhibition Green Ivory is a part of the above mentioned project which will be held between 17 July and 19 July: 2019 at Bengal Art Gallery: International Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR): Kolkata in India. The varieties of unexplored ritualistic: decorative and contemporary products of Shola will be showcased by the rural artists of West Bengal: India.
Green Ivory
The project Revival of Shola Craft Tradition of Bengal by banglanatak dot com supported by The Consulate General of the Federal Republic of Germany Kolkata; is an attempt to revitalize the symbolic abstraction of emotion using Shola. Shola is a milky white: delicate spongy plant mostly found in marshy lands of West Bengal: India. Exhibition Green Ivory is a part of the above mentioned project which will be held between 17 July and 19 July: 2019 at Bengal Art Gallery: International Council for Cultural Relations (ICCR): Kolkata in India. The varieties of unexplored ritualistic: decorative and contemporary products of Shola will be showcased by the rural artists of West Bengal: India.Green Ivory will provide the students with the opportunity of communicating and learning from Shola artists. Workshop schedule are as follows:July 17: 2:30pm - 4:30pmJuly 18: 11:30am - 1:30pm and 2:30pm - 4:30pmJuly 19: 11:30am - 1:30pm and 2:30pm - 4:30pm
Kurenti: Door to Door custom of Slovenia
Comedic Actors on the ropes: Jultagi
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019 and Folk Music Festival (7/8/19-7/14/19)
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019The impact of Unesco nominations on community-based safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – experiences and practices.Date: July 13th: 2019 Location: Folk Art Centre: Museosali: Jyväskyläntie 3: Kaustinen: FinlandThe seminar’s aim is to elaborate the role and impact of Unesco’s lists of intangible cultural heritage in safeguarding cultural heritage. What effect have nominations brought to practitioners in different Baltic and Nordic countries? What ways are there to promote good safeguarding practices? What role might NGOs take in the process? What kinds of threats or downsides are there in following the safeguarding framework of the convention?In the seminar we’ll hear presentations reflecting different ICH elements from Norway: Sweden: Estonia: Latvia and Finland. Seminar is free of charge and held in English.Registration until 10th of July: anne.virkkala-harju@kaustinen.fi (Limited number of seats!)Kaustinen Folk Music Festival 2019The seminar is a
Gothrapolima the tribal arts workshop was conducted by Folkland and Dorf Ketal in collaboration with Gothrapperuma vellanthatta on 21st and 22nd June 2019. Gothrapolima - 2019 aims to introduce the tribal art forms and their influences to the new generation. Mulamchenda: Mangalamkali: Eruthukali: Alamikkali are the main folk arts on training workshops. Around 100 artists participated in the festival to showcase the above-mentioned art forms.
On 13-15 June: 2019 Aigine CRC is conducting on-site training workshop for sacred site guardians: pilgrims: traditional practitioners: students of State University and members of working group of Osh province. The main objectives of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with the UNESCO 2003 Convention on Safeguarding ICH: to develop sacred site and pilgrimage practice safeguarding measures: as well as to conduct cross validation of the sacred sites and rituals of Osh province. The training workshop is held in the framework of the project "Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures'.
Coming of age for Japanese youth, Raiho-Shin
Thiruvathirakali a unique dance form performed in Kerala on the auspicious day of Thiruvathira by a group of women. As per Hindu mythology: this dance is what bought Kamadeva back to life when he had been burnt to ashes by Lord Shiva’s fury. The graceful movements of the dance are both enchanting and elegant. For strengthen the unity and power of women's we have organized the program. Over 100 women’s undergone one-month training organized by Folkland and performed on stage.
GOTHROTHSAVAM Tribal Fest - 2019
Gothrolsavam was organized for Mangalamkali (a tribal dance form) fest at Thayyanur: Kasaragod the northern tribal area in Kerala. Mangalamkali is an old traditional tribal dance form in Northern part of Kerala performed especially by “mavilas” and “Malavettuvas” community. The ritual dance form was performed occasionally at marriage functions of their community as a part of the entertainment. Certain unique and specific musical instruments called “thudi” which is made up of the timber of jack tree and the skin of goat were used by the performers.
THE 5th WORLD EPICS FESTIVAL 26-30 June 2019 Bishkek-Talas, Kyrgyz Republic
Preservation and development of distinctive and rare art is one of top priorities of the modern cultural society: whose aim is to preserve and increase cultural values of the humanity: strengthen national identity through expansion of international spiritual and cultural cooperation: creation of a platform for shaping sustainable environment: actualization and translation of epic heritage in the modern world. Narration is the most ancient genre of oral folk arts in many countries. This unique type of art has brought to our days the traditions of mythology: modes of transmission from one generation to another of national spiritual and moral values of peoples of the world. Rare texts of stories contain genetic: socio-ethical: spiritual traditions of development of nations. Each nation considerately preserves its roots: traditions and history. Getting these things across the next generation is a duty of every civilized state. Thereon the World Epics Festival was founded by the Government of the Kyrgyz Republi
Love Ballad of Malaysia: Dondang Sayang
Al Azi: Poetry of Arab Pride
On-Site training workshops with community members
On 6-8 June: 2019 Aigine CRC is conducting on-site training workshop for sacred site guardians: pilgrims: traditional practitioners and members of working group of Chui province.The main objectives of the workshop is to familiarize the participants with the UNESCO 2003 Convention on Safeguarding ICH: to develop sacred site and pilgrimage practice safeguarding measures: as well as to conduct cross validation of the sacred sites and rituals of Chui province.The training workshop is held in the framework of the project "Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures'.
The Lithuanian folk dance revival by the Lithuanian Ethnic Culture Society
Baile Chino, the dance and dreams of Chile
Announcement of the 2019 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage
We express our sincere gratitude to all applicants for the 2019 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. We recognize and deeply appreciate what you and your organizations have achieved with respect to the safeguarding and revitalization of ICH. The selection process was very challenging as all applicants demonstrated good practices for the safeguarding ICH with courage and lofty spirit. Only three applicants (individuals and organizations) were selected as finalists from forty-eight applicants from 36 countries on six continents. Jeonju City announces the following three finalist candidates for public verification as the final process for the 2019 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage. The finalist candidates can be found on the following link:http://www.cics.center/jiapich_Announcement/
KILUKKAMPETTY (Children’s Summer Camp)
Kilukampetty a four day long children’s camp on ICH was conducted by Folkland on the bank of Kavvayi backwaters at Edayilakkadu in Kasaragod District of Kerala State of India. This was the seventh year that the Folkland has been conducting the camp for School Children. Porattu Kali (Rural drama) Folksongs: Math game: identifying the indigenous herbs: Kite flying: Kathakali music: fishermen folklore: Padayani: etc. were included in this year’s program.
"Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists"
In 2019: the Bulgarian Academy of Sciences (BAS) has a jubilee - 150 years since its creation. In this occasion: in the period 17-19 October 2019: BAS: together with the Regional Center for Preservation of Intangible Cultural Heritage in Southeastern Europe under the aegis of UNESCO: organized an international scientific forum on the topic: "Current problems in the study of intangible cultural heritage and the implementation of the Convention 2003. Contributions of BAS scientists". Deadline for submission of applications for participation (author: institution: position: subject: summary with up to 800 signs) is June 15th: 2019. Application must be sent to ban_ich_rc@abv.bg The forum will be held in SOFIA: BAS: CENTRAL GOVERNANCE: GREAT HALL There will be also accompanying events as concerts: exhibition: etc. Transport and accommodation expenses are participants' obligation. Application form is in www.eaff.eu
2nd Jeonju-ChiangMai International Conference on Traditional Culture
This international conference is organized in order to exchange the knowledge of intangible cultural heritage between Jeonbuk National University of Jeonju and Chiang Mai University. The first conference was held in the city of Chiang Mai on August: 2018 hosted by the Chiang Mai Creative City of Crafts and Folk Arts (CCMCCFA): the UNESCO Creative City of Chiang Mai.
Living Cultural Heritage - Safeguarding, Practices, Information Technologies LCH-2019
Living Cultural Heritage -Safeguarding: Practices: Information Technologies LCH-201926 - 29 August 2019: Nessebar: Bulgaria www.eaff.eu Conference will be held in the frames of the IX World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2019" organized by the European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF. The forum is aimed to the theme for preservation: presentation and digitization of the cultural heritage and has interdisciplinary nature. The leading purpose is the broad-spectrum interpretation of the concept of living cultural heritage. On the one hand - as a phenomenon of the living cultural practices and in general - as a scientifically systematized digital content of various tangible and intangible values from museums: archives: community centers etc. Sharing the Bulgarian and foreign experience in specialized and interdisciplinary scientific research: the exchange of modern information technology solutions as well: will be useful in achieving meaningful and technologically renewed living knowledg
Khon, the art of Thai masked choreographed movements
2nd Jeonju • Chiang Mai International Conference on Traditional Culture
○ Date: May 27th: 2019 (Monday)○ Time: 10am -6pm○ Theme: Exchange of intangible cultural heritage activities and Establishment of Crafts Network○ Host: The Research Center for Intangible Heritage and Information of CBNU: The Center for Intangible Culture StudiesOrganization : The Research Center for Intangible Heritage and Information of CBNU: The Center for Intangible Culture Studies: The Korea Traditional Culture Center○ Participants : Around 50 people (Professors: ICH activists: and students)This international conference is organized in order to exchange the knowledge of intangible cultural heritage between Jeonbuk National University of Jeonju and Chiang Mai University. The first conference was held in the city of Chiang Mai on August: 2018 hosted by the Chiang Mai Creative City of Crafts and Folk Arts (CCMCCFA): the UNESCO Creative City of Chiang Mai. They aim to exchange cases from two different cities for the safeguarding of ICH: ICH transmission: ICH revitalization: and SDGs of ICH. It will be a goo
Ethnic Japanese-Korean’s Arirang (From traditional folk music to the music of the largest minority group in Japan )
Center of cultural heritage studies at Jeonbuk National University and the center leaders in industry-university cooperation (Linc+) are co-hosting the event: Ethnic Japanese-Korean's Arirang. Date/time: 05.16.2018(Thursday) / 9AM-11AMLocation: Jinsudang Kain Hall at Jeonbuk National University: Jeollabukdo:South Korea Participants: Undergraduate and graduate students at Jeonbuk National University(College of liberal arts: college of engineering: intangible cultural heritage studies): researchers at Center of intangible cultural studies and others1. significance -Understanding the relationship between ethnic Japanese-Korean traditional music and social perimeter of the performance -Understanding the culture of the largest ethnic minority group in Japan-Through the music of ethnic Japanese Korean one can examine the problems regarding various anthropological identity: identity politics: multiculturalism: and cultural changes among ethnic Japanese-Korean2. Main Contents-Documentary <Arirang going over the hill:
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019
Kaustinen Intangible Cultural Heritage Seminar 2019The impact of Unesco nominations on community-based safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage – experiences and practices.SAT 13.7. / Folk Art Centre: Museosali: Jyväskyläntie 3: Kaustinen: FinlandThe seminar’s aim is to elaborate the role and impact of Unesco’s lists of intangible cultural heritage in safeguarding cultural heritage. What effect have nominations brought to practitioners in different Baltic and Nordic countries? What ways are there to promote good safeguarding practices? What role might NGOs take in the process? What kinds of threats or downsides are there in following the safeguarding framework of the convention?In the seminar we’ll hear presentations reflecting different ICH elements from Norway: Sweden: Estonia: Latvia and Finland. Seminar is free of charge and held in English.Registration until 15th of June: anne.virkkala-harju@kaustinen.fiPROGRAM:11.30 Welcome to the seminar – Kaustinen fiddle playingMatti Hakamäki / Finnish Folk Music
- KANYARKALI - Kanyarkali is a special kind of folk dance ritual performance in village temples in Chittur region and Alathur region in Palakkad district of Kerala State of India. The event is basically a part of village’s “Vishu” celebrations and usually succeeds the Village Fair or Vela and is performed during April and May every year. The Kanyarkali are fast-moving: militant dances attuned to rhythmic devotional folk songs by the help of traditional instruments (Drums and cymbals). Kanyarkali is said to be originated from the pursuit of martial arts when the region was under threat of attack from nearby Konganadu. Kannyarkali arose when dance and comedy were added to the martial training sessions. The dances may in form of “Vattakali” (a circular movement in praise of Goddess) or folk theatre style. Kanyarkali is a performance that incorporates the essence of dance: drama: music: song: and martial skills. This art form is always performed by men at temples. Women are sometimes represented by cross-dressing
The Nan Pa’ch ceremony of Guatemala
Expert meeting on intangible cultural heritage in emergencies
DATE: 05/21/2019- 05/22/2019Location: UNESCO Headquarters: Paris (France)At the request of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage: UNESCO is organizing an expert meeting in UNESCO Headquarters: Paris: on 21 - 22 May 2019: with the generous support of the People’s Republic of China. The aim of the meeting is to discuss methodological guidance for the safeguarding of intangible cultural heritage in emergencies.In this context: experts will address notably the two following dimensions: how is intangible cultural heritage itself disrupted and threatened under such circumstances and what can be done for its safeguarding; and: on the other hand: how can intangible cultural heritage be promoted: safeguarded or supported: as a critical means for rebuilding social cohesion: fostering reconciliation and/or facilitating recovery for communities confronted with situations of emergencies. The results of the meeting will be presented to the Director-General of UNESCO and su
National inventory: places, rituals, practices
Traditional Turkish Çini-making Craftsmanship
Vallenatos Music of the Greater Magdalena
The Chhau dance: The symbolism in bodily motions of our surroundings
Chinese Shadow Puppetry
The application for the World Martial Arts Union Membership is now open!
We cordially invite you to apply for the World Martial Arts Union membership. WoMAU organizes a variety of activities to enhance the visibility of the Traditional Martial Arts as the culture.Any traditional martial arts organizations meet the requirements for the WoMAU Membership are welcomed to join us by submitting the application via email or post by 31st May 2019 at the latest. The submitted application will be reviewed by the Membership Screening Committee before the final admission at the Annual General Meeting. You may refer to the requirements for the Membership from the WoMAU Statutes.http://womau.org/bbs/board.php?bo_table=e_b1x9&pageNum=1&subNum=9Ever since its birth in 2002: WoMAU has been continuously organizing the Annual General Meeting: the World Martial Arts Festival(currently biannual): and the Seminar at Chungju: Korea. Around 20 traditional martial arts performance teams from the Member Organizations across the world visit and demonstrate for each Festival.WoMAU will provide you with excel
Good practice from Finland: On Crafting – Discussion cards
A National Inventorying Workshop
On March 17: 2019: Aigine CRC has started an inventorying workshop in Bishkek. Group members from all 7 provinces came with the goal to learn about the concept of Intangible Cultural Heritage (ICH) reflected in the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and to discuss and work out local ways/ approaches to make inventories of sacred sites and related rituals and practices. An inventorying workshop will finish on March 18 and the regional groups will start their field activities in the provinces.The workshop is being conducted in the frame of the project "Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures": supported by the ICH Fund of UNESCO.
Study on status and value of Seodang culture and study of utilization plan
Asian Championship of Folklore - Asia Folk 2019
Location: Ulan Bator - Ulaanbaatar (Wikipedia): MongoliaOrganizersCulture and Arts Authority: the Government implementing agency of MongoliaWorld Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF: European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF:ArtLar Cilturе NGO: World Folklore Academy With support: National Commission of UNESCO of Mongolia With financial and logistical support:Culture and Arts Authority: the Government implementing agency of MongoliaMinistry of Education: Culture: Science and Sport of Mongolia The marks of the participants appeared in the competition program of the Asian Championship of Folklore - 2019 are valid for ranking in the World ranking list of folklore.Basic InformationAsian Championship of Folklore - Asia Folk 2019 - will be held for the first time.Organizers hope this event high in importance to become one of the most important cultural events in Asia.Invited are folklore groups from all over Asia - Afghanistan: Australia: Azerbaijan: Bahrain: Bangladesh: Bhutan: British Indian: Ocean T
Baul songs of Bangladesh: Oral tradition of Bengalis mysticism
Colombia is hosting next Committee for the Safeguarding of ICH in 2019
Colombia to host next Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage in 2019.The next annual meeting of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage will take place from 9 to 14 December 2019 in Bogotá: Colombia. This decision was taken in Port Louis: Mauritius at the close of the thirteenth session of the Committee: which brings together the representatives of 24 States Parties to the UNESCO’s Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. The Committee decides on measures to safeguard oral traditions and expressions: performing arts: social practices: rituals: festive events: knowledge and practices concerning nature and the universe or the knowledge and skills to produce traditional crafts: which constitute intangible heritage.Reference from ICH UNESCO https://ich.unesco.org/en/news/colombia-to-host-next-committee-for-the-safeguarding-of-the-intangible-cultural-heritage-in-2019-00328
The 5th Workshop of UNESCO accredited NGO Association in Korea
The four UNESCO accredited NGOs(IMACO: WoMAU: CICS: KCHF of Korea are now having a workshop in Andong city: Republic of Korea.
Symbol of Costa Rican Hardwork: Las Carretas
National inventory: places, rituals, practices
Aigine Curltural Research Center (Kyrgyzstan) continues the inventory of sacred sites and related practices under the project " Safeguarding of Practices and Rare Rituals Related to Sacred Sites in Kyrgyzstan: Preparation of an Inventory and Safeguarding Measures."At this stage: desk researches are conducted on the basis of the organization’s previous field materials. The purpose of this researches is to compile national lists of sacred places: practices and rituals performed on places of pilgrimage. In the course of the desk researches: the lists of sacred sites are clarified and the rituals of each region are described. Interviews are also held with spiritual practitioners. Interviews are held in the format of real and online meetings: telephone conversations. The stage of desk research precedes the work with regional teams.On 20 February 2019: Aigine CRC conducted a preliminary workshop in the framework of the project.The main goal of the workshop was to discuss ways and patterns of inventorying rituals an
Bigwala : The warm welcome of royal African hospitality, dance, and song
The 5th Workshop of UNESCO Accredited NGO Association in Korea
Date: March 5th: 2019 (Tuesday)Time: 14:00-20:00Place: Andong Grand Hotel: Republic of KoreaTopic: Enhancing the role of NGOs in the Intangible Cultural HeritageThe five UNESCO accredited NGOs in Korea conduct a workshop Spring and Fall each year to communicate and collaborate in order to strengthen the network. The 5th workshop will be organized by International Mask Arts and Culture Organization (IMACO) and the five NGOs take their turns once every 2 years hosting it. They will discuss enhancing the roles of NGOs in the Intangible Cultural Heritage sector. The five UNESCO Accredited NGOs Association in Korea (UANAK):Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network (ICCN) - ICCNWorld Martial Arts Union (WoMAU)Center for Intangible Culture Studies (CICS)International Mask Arts & Culture Organization (IMACO)Korea Cultural Heritage Foundation (KCHF)
(Extended deadline)2019 Jeonju International Awards for Promoting ICH
The deadline for 2019 Jeonju International Award was extended until March 31st:2019. Please encourage ICH Communities and share about the Award for more participations and email at cics.center@gmail.com for more questions. 2019 Jeonju International Award for Promoting Intangible Cultural Heritage will be held in South Korea’s cultural epicenter: Jeonju. This quite: slow city has had the moniker of the ‘Most Traditionally Korean City’ for many years. It is only fitting that the awards take place here in Jeonju to promote and preserve any safeguarding practices regarding Intangible Cultural Heritages. The Awards are meant to set an example of tolerance and congruity among the international ICH community. We are hoping to support and encourage all ICH practitioners to participate in this great event! Candidates for the awardsAwards are open to Living Human Treasures (practitioners): groups and communities: administrators: researchers: NGOs and those who have made substantial contributions for promoting Intang
Master’s TEMA Heritage Studies Program (including ICH) and scholarships are available!
Master’s TEMA Heritage Studies Program (including ICH) and scholarships are available in Europe! Applications must be sent before February 24:2019. The TEMA Erasmus Mundus master's program in heritage studies: funded by the European Union: will be offering 20 scholarships of a value of 30 000 euros for the two year period from September 2019 to August 2021. Scholarship: 30 000 euros over two years.Study Program: all students are required to spend the first semester in Budapest (Sept. to December 2019, and the other three at the partner university of their choice (EHESS in Paris: Charles University in Prague: University of Catania in Catania: Italy: or Laval University in Quebec City (Master's Program in Ethnology and Heritage)Languages of study: English and FrenchCo-graduation: Master's degree in the Erasmus Mundus program and Master's degree at the university of study.Deadline for submission of applications: 24 February 17h00Application forms: available on the website: https://mastertema.eu/
Bistritsa Babi, archaic polyphony, dances and rituals from the Shoplouk region
Good practice from Norway: Dual-language, multi-ethnic storytelling
Sur Jahan - World Peace Music Festival 2019
Sur Jahan is an International Peace Music Festival that celebrates traditional world music.The 9th edition of Sur Jahan: an annual: non-ticketed: open-to-all World Peace Music Festival will be held at the eastern Indian city of Kolkata between 1 to 3 February and the popular tourist destination along Arabian Sea: Goa: between 6 to 8 February. Traditional music from India: Cape Verde: Egypt: Cyprus: Spain: Hungary and Northern Ireland will be presented. More Info: http://bncmusical.co.in/surjahan-detail.phphttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uM58v4rO8GM&feature=youtu.be
IX World Championship of Folklore "World folk 2019"
Location: Nessebar and the resort complex “Sunny Beach” (Wikipedia) The World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2019" is organizing byThe World Association of Folklore Festivals - WAFF:The European Association of Folklore Festivals - EAFF:World Folklore Academy: Event Vacation. With the support of:UNESCO: IOV-WORLD: CID-UNESCOMunicipalities of Nessebar: Burgas: Pomorie and Obzor: Sveti VlasBasic InformationA special feature of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk" is that all performances are recorded with professional audio and television equipment and the best of them are repeatedly broadcasted by 20 cable televisions in Bulgaria: by satellite televisions "Travel TV": "Rodina TV" and "Heros TV" with coverage across Europe: as well as by the Web Television "EuroFolkTV" at tv.eurofolk.com With these activities the main goal of the World Championship of Folklore "World Folk 2018“ is being realized and that is to protection and popularize the traditional folk arts through the enormous possibilitie
2018 ICH NGO FORUM : Meetings with Assistant Director-General
Meetings on ICH NGO FORUM with Assistant Director-General !
ICH NGO FORUM Steering Committee New Members!!
ICH NGO FORUM Steering Committee New Members !! Welcome !
ELECTIONS of ICH NGO FORUM Steering Committee
ELECTIONS of ICH NGO FORUMSteering CommitteePort-Louis: Mauritius
Ssirum : Traditional Korean Wrestling
2018 World Forum for ICH "Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace"
The 2018 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage themed with Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace was finished successfully thanks to enthusiasm and active involvement of all the participants: and the great help and efforts of all the volunteers and staff members of the CICS: the secretariat. It was held at the Intangible Heritage Center in Jeonju city for three days from October 25 to 27. The forum opened grandly with the keynote speech titled 'Intangible Cultural Heritage and Peace-making' by Marielza Oliveira: Director of UNESCO Beijing Office. Welcome performances: especially Jeollabuk-do Children's Korean Traditional Music Orchestra thrilled the audience the most.Also H.E. Amin Muhammad Dalhatu: embassador of Nigeria in Seoul: attended the open ceremony and congratulated the forum. All the interest showing from distinguished guests including Mayor of Jeonju city: representatives of other organizations: and experts working in the field of ICH led the forum to the successful event as well. The prais
Traditional Musical Instrument Masters' Knowledge and Technique
Falconry, a living human heritage
The 1st CMCCFA International Conference with CICS of Chonbuk National University
CMCCFA presentation: Lanna Intangible Cultural Heritage and Ritual Beliefs-Alexandra Denes
The 1st CMCCFA International Conference in Chiang Mai
Ths 1st CMCCFA International Conferencewith CICS of Chonbuk National University in the City of Jeonju13 - 17 August: 2018At Chiang Mai UniversityThe Chiang Mai Provincial Administrative Organization: in collaboration with the Faculty of Fine Arts Chiang Mai University: has lead the campaign to promote local crafts and folk art as part of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network: Crafts and folk art of Chiang Mai have focused on participatory and collaborative activities between local communities and younger generations: including the development and submission of official membership application documents for the UNESCO Creative Cities Network On October 31: 2017: included among 64 cities from 44 countries within 7 creative fields: Chiang Mai was established as a member of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network in the field of Crafts & Folk Art. Since then: Chiang Mai has continued to develop plans and strategies in co-ordination with the next generation of local artisans and members of ethnic groups: to support and
Latvian song & dance celebration Participation
CICS at the ICHNGO platform in the 7th session of the General Assembly
CICS at the ICHNGO platform
Having wonderful time at 7. GA
Networking with other NGOs for safeguarding ICH is i nspiring!
Seventh Session of the General Assembly
Seventh Session of the General AssemblyThe seventh session of the General Assembly of the States Parties to the Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage takes place at UNESCO headquarters: Paris: from Monday 4 to Wednesday 6 June 2018. Over the three days: 177 States Parties will discuss a number of issues that are important for the safeguarding of living heritage around the world. In the margin of this Assembly: a series of side-events is being organized by the Secretariat under the global theme of ‘Tell your #living heritage story’. They will exhibit the richness of living heritage today and provide a platform for discourse and experience-sharing among the different actors involved in safeguarding: including the States: NGOs: youth and community members.
2018 International Martial Arts Contest
2018 International Martial Arts Contest (IMAC) is going to be held in October (26 – 28 Oct). WoMAU IMAC is a competition of martial arts performances that represents spirit and techniques of martial arts. This national competition is open to every martial artist capable of his or her martial performance regardless of nationalities: affiliates and events.
2018 WoMAU AGM
The 2018 WoMAU AGM will be held on 27 July in Ferghana: Uzbekistan: organized by WoMAU member organization: Uzbek Jang Sanati Federation. WoMAU Annual General Meeting is the highest legislative organ of the Union led by the President and the Chairperson of the General Meeting of WoMAU. It is an annual gathering of the representatives of WoMAU members and other interested in the event from 62 organizations over 42 countries to discuss ways to promote and cooperate for traditional martial arts activities.
The 2018 World Forum for Intangible Cultural Heritage
Venue : National Intangible Heritage Center: JeinjuTheme : Intangible Cultural Heritage and PeaceDate : October 25~27
Cultural events in PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games period
This February 2018: South Korea's Pyeongchang: acted as host city of the 2018 Winter Olympics. To commemorate this world's biggest sports event: 2018 PyeongChang Cultural Olympiad were also held. In part of this: IMACO was honored to join here. The 2 biggest cultural events that IMACO organized were; 1. World Mask Exhibition in Ganeung Olympic Live Site - A lot of visitors who came to see the olympic games visited here before they enter the stadium 2. Korea-China Peace Concert - This was also meaning for both countries: since the next winter olympic will be held in Beijing: China
2018 ICCN General Assembly
I am pleased to inform that ICCN(Inter-City Intangible Cultural Cooperation Network)is going to host the 2018 ICCN General Assembly in September 5 to 9 in Algemesi: Spain. I would like all ICCN members: experts and other cultural partners to particpate in the ICCN GA. During the GA: La Mare de Deu de la Salut: one of UNESCO ICH: will be held so that it will be a great opportunity to enjoy the UNESCO Festivity for us. At the GA: we have an international conference on the theme of "we want to know your heritage including an executive meeting and the general assembly meeing. In addtion: all participants will have a chance to attend the UNESCO festivity's parade and cultural activities.
Jeonju Declaration on "Intangible Cultural Heritage, a Resource for the City of Today and Tomorrow."
Jeonju Declaration on "Intangible Cultural Heritage: a Resource for the City of Today and Tomorrow"- Adopted in Jeonju: Republic of Korea: Oct. 28: 2017We: the participants of the 2017 World Intangible Cultural Heritage Forum (hereinafter referred to as the "Forum") express our sincere gratitude to the officials of Jeonju City: the National Intangible Heritage Center of Korea and the Center for Intangible Culture Studies (Jeonju). In particular: we are thankful for the possibility of holding in-depth discussions under the auspices of Mayor Kim Seung-soo and the Director Cho Hyun Jung of the National Intangible Heritage Center. The importance of intangible cultural heritage in cities is becoming increasingly apparent. According to the spirit of the UNESCO 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage and in light of the Sustainable Development Goals of Agenda 2030: the significance of intangible cultural heritage and its safeguarding cannot be underestimated. In particular: we recogn
The 3rd Workshop of UNESCO Accredited NGO Association, Korea [UANAK]
The 3rd Workshop of UNESCO Accredited NGO Association: Korea [UANAK] The five UNESCO accredited NGOs in Korea gathered in Chungju for a workshop to share information and strengthen networks organized by WoMAU (World Martial Arts Union) on February 22: 2018. Due to the Pyeonchang Winter Olympic Games: the related organizations became very busy and many of them could not participate in the workshop.Each organization reported its activities throughout the year 2017 and had an apportunity to share its initiatives and knowledge. All seemed different but verified the common goal of safeguarding the intangible cultural heritage. They made sure to keep up the good work to build up capacities of the regional NGOs. They all agreed to take a good advantage of the web-board (ichngo.net): for activating networks: that CICS (Center for Intangible Culture Studies)has launched. The web-board is now being launched as a Beta version and being tested. It is believed that it would be a promising to boost networks both in accre
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